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* 2000 *

"I'm so in love with you," he smiled as we walked hand in hand.

Today was the night of prom at Asheville High.

"I know. I know. I'm irresistible," I responded. We laughed as we walked inside the building where prom took place.

The room was filled with our school colors, White and Gold. Everyone was dressed in their fancy attire and the mood was perfect.

We parted ways and met up with our friends.

"He's such a gentleman," my friend Gina told me.

"I know. He's the perfect boyfriend. Is it bad I'm already thinking about our wedding?"

"Geez, lets wait until you're out of high school." She laughed.

Bryce Martin appeared on stage and loud cheers filled the building. Bryce was one of Keith's friends.

"Alright, everybody settle down. Now I'm only here because I was promised that my grades would be raised." He joked.

Everyone in the crowd laughed.

"Okay. okay. I'm here to announce our prom king and queen for the year of 2000!"

Arms slowly creeped around my waist. I slightly turned my head and felt a kiss on my cheek.

Bryce's girlfriend, Claudia, walked on stage and stood next to him.

The crowd started to cheer even louder.

"And the student with the most votes for prom king is," Bryce handed the mic to Claudia. "Mr. Keith Powers!"

Everyone cheered as he jogged on stage.

"Thank you," he smiled as he waved to the crowd.

"The student with the most votes for prom queen is," Claudia handed the mic to Bryce.
"Mrs. Powers!"

Everyone giggled as Claudia nudged him. "Fine," he sighed, "Ms. Josephine Jackson!"

"That's my baby!" I heard Keith yell. He stepped down and helped me on stage.

They handed us the opposite crowns to put on each other's head.

We smiled out to the cheering crowd and the photographer ran in front of the stage to take our pictures.


2 Hours Later

"Keith, wanna go to the after party? It's at my house." Bryce said as he walked out of the building with us.

"Nah, I'm alright. I think I'll kick it with my shorty for tonight." He responded as he winked at me.

"What are we gonna do since we're not going to the after party?" I asked.

"I thought maybe we'd just go riding around the city." He said as he helped me into his car.

"Look at you trying to set the mood." I joked.

"Set the mood? You crazy." He chuckled.

He jogged to the drivers side and got in.

"Safety first." He smiled putting on his seat belt.

I giggled at him as I put on my seat belt.

We drove out of the school parking lot.

Keith reached over and grabbed my hand. "I can't wait until we're old enough to get out of here."

"Can you promise me something?" I asked.

"What?" He asked looking over.

"You promise you'll always be here with me? And never leave me?"

He chuckled, "I promise."

It slowly began to rain and I was starting to feel tired.

A few moments later, I woke up to a sudden swerve of the car. I cleared my vision and we were going through on going traffic.

I looked over and saw a sleeping Keith.

I screamed and before I could touch the wheel, the car was hit on the drivers side.

I didn't know what to do next and before I knew it, everything went black.

𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐀, keith p.✓Where stories live. Discover now