• Chapter 5 •

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I walked into my office and put my bag on the couch.

Before I sat down at my desk, I noticed a post-it note on the desk.

'Come To My Office.

It read.

I walked out of my office and hurried to the elevator that was now closing.

I sighed as I pushed the button to go down.

Moments later, the elevator doors opened and there was Tony.

I slightly smiled as I got inside.

"Hey, Joe. How are you?"

"A bit worried. Boss wants to see me." I said as I gave him a nervous smile.

"Mhm," he said as his smile faded, he then looked away from me.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

The elevator doors opened and he immediately walked out.

What's wrong with him today?


I exhaled as I knocked on the door to my boss's office. 

"Come in!"

I slowly opened the door and there was my boss, sitting at his desk as he read the newspaper.

He slowly pulled down the small glasses that sat on his nose as he looked over the newspaper.

He neatly folded his newspaper and sat up in his seat.

I sat down in one of the two seats that were in front of his desk.

His face didn't crack a smile nor a grin. Something was seriously wrong.

"Ms. Jackson, you're one of my best workers. I appreciate the time and effort you put into your work to help your patients get well."

"Thank you."

He then turned around and picked up a piece of paper.

He lifted his head to the paper and looked back at me.

"Unfortunately there have been numerous of complaints that were sent to me the other day. I'm quite surprised to see this from someone who is very dedicated to their work, Ms. Jackson."

"Who was it from?" I asked as my eye grew wide.

"For safety, I will not say who it's from. I have noticed these complaints have come after your new patient arrived, am I correct?" He asked himself. He looked at the paper and nodded. "I am."

"What were the complaints?" I asked.

"I was told you were doing inappropriate activities with your new patient. I don't want to believe it, you're one of my favorite workers."

𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐀, keith p.✓Where stories live. Discover now