• Chapter 6 •

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Today is dull. There's nothing productive to do besides reading a book, but I've already read them all from my bookshelf.

Tuesdays aren't my best days, it's when my patients start to have break downs, have suicidal thoughts, and some of them wouldn't come back because recovery is a slow process.

But today was different. There weren't any patients that looked to me for comfort and help, instead I was at home due to false accusations of doing something inappropriately with a patient.

I grabbed my car keys and tote bag and walked out of the house.

I live in a condo that I currently own, that's a huge milestone for someone my age.

I drove to a local bookstore for more books. Maybe a few notebooks to keep up with my patients at a job I probably won't have by the end of the week.

I sat crisscross in the aisle of bookshelves as I read 'How To Kill A MockingBird,' by Harper Lee.

I was in the middle of a page when someone tripped over me and a liquid substance fell onto my pants and other books stumbled over me.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

I threw the book and quickly got up and turned around.

It was Keith.

"Josephine..I'm so sorry. Wait here." He scurried off before I said anything.

I sighed as I looked at the now obvious stain that was on my pants.

He came back with hands full of paper towels.

He kneeled down and scrubbed my pants, trying to remove the stain.

It wasn't going anywhere.

I smiled because he looked so frustrated trying to get the stain out.

"I don't think it's going anywhere." I smiled.

He slightly chuckled as we both picked up the books he dropped.

"Again, I'm sorry." He said.

"It's alright. I'll just tell anyone who's curious that it was a spill and I didn't wet my pants." We laughed.

I helped pick up the books he dropped and handed them to him.

I picked up my own book and started to walk away.

"Wait, can I talk to you for a minute? It's important." He said.

I turned around, "Sure."

We found a table near a window that lit up the whole area.

The sunlight slightly beamed onto Keith, revealing his freckles.

"What are you doing here? I went to your office for my session, but you weren't there."

I sighed.

"I'm suspended. Um..remember when I took you back to your old high school? It was a bad idea."

𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐀, keith p.✓Where stories live. Discover now