• Chapter 2 •

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It was an early morning in White Plains, New York. The sun hasn't risen yet which left a cloudy sky.

I laid across my couch, signing off papers of my patients. Some of them where ready to leave therapy while some of them needed extra help.

I came across the folder I was assigned by my boss. I opened it and carefully scanned through the information.

Name: Keith T. Powers
Diagnosis: Amnesia
Causes: Brain Injury
Symptoms: Memory Loss

'Keith,' I thought to myself. The name sounded familiar. I sat up and leaned back on the couch to think of where I have heard the name before.

Last night.

Was it the guy at the bar? It couldn't be. Although I didn't quite hear his name when he asked for mine.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

"My beautiful Mona Lisa, how are you this morning?"

I chuckled," Tony, why are you up so early?"

"Because I knew the most beautiful woman in the world would be awake at this hour."

Tony has always been in love with me every since our high school days. We've always had that Laura Winslow and Steve Urkel type of bond, but overall he's a nice guy to be around.

"Thank you, but you should go back to sleep." I smiled.

"At least can I ask you out for lunch later?" He asked.

"Tony," I sighed. "You still haven't eaten breakfast, you can't just skip to lunch."

"I know I know, but it's something to look forward to later. Right?"

"Alright, I'll go to lunch with you."

"Yes!" He exclaimed.

We said our goodbyes and ended the call.

I chuckled as I shook my head at the thought.


I walked out of the elevator, with my folders in hand, and walked in my office where I was going to meet my new patient.

I was nervous, not because it was a new patient, but because it could be the man I saw at the bar.

Never mind, I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

I sat my folders on my desk and exhaled deeply as I prepared myself.

Was this patient going to be difficult or easy to work with?

The front doors slowly opened and entered a tall guy.

"Hello, Ms...uh," the guy spoke.

I walked towards him and held out my hand.

"Ms. Jackson," I helped.

𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐀, keith p.✓Where stories live. Discover now