Chapter 3: Trust Is A Fragile Thing

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Chapter 3: Trust Is A Fragile Thing

Peridot had kept her promise to talk to the gems in the morning. It was to everyone's annoyance that she paced back and forth trying to collect her thoughts. She would have to explain to the Crystal Gems everything she knew about hijacking and it's symptoms. The entire process was difficult enough when you were surrounded by that technology all your life, but the gems haven't been to Homeworld in centuries and were much behind the times. This would be impossible.

"Alright." Peridot finally stopped pacing. The gems sat around her, listening attentively. Peridot grimaced for a second and began her explanation.

"Hijacking in the simplest terms," Peridot started, "Is when one gem enters another gem's consciousness through code and starts changing and erasing things. At first I thought they could only erase memories but obviously from what happened to..." Peridot quickly corrected herself after seeing Sapphire stiffen, "From what we've seen before, they can add new memories as well."

The others nodded for her to continue.

"In reality you can't actually erase memories," Peridot said. "They'll always be there in the subconscious. And I can't even begin to think how someone could create new memories, that kind of technology seems so advanced even by Homeworld's standards I mean-"

"Peridot you're rambling," Pearl interrupted her.

"Besides we already know all that junk," Amethyst sighed. "Don't you know how to, like, fix it?"

"Well if I did we wouldn't have to be on the constant lookout for Ruby now would we?" Peridot glared irritably, not having the patience to regret the outburst. She knew she should've just went back to her mission. Peridots mind trailed off to the point where she almost didn't hear someone interrupt their discussion.

"Is...this a bad time?"

Peridot stiffened as she turned to the new person.

"L-Lapis?" Peridot cursed herself internally for stuttering. Her tone hardened. "What are you doing here?"

Before the blue gem even had a chance to answer, Sapphire froze her to the spot with a rather cold glare.

"What do you want?" Sapphire's eye narrowed, hardly containing her fury. After all, in her opinion, it was Lapis who made Ruby snap.

"I want to help you," Lapis said, "Just like I've been trying to help you all along."

"Well, you've done a great job so far."

"Hey guys, come on." Steven tried to keep the peace. "Let's just hear what she has to say."

Lapis smiled thankfully at Steven and began explaining her side of the story. Everything from Malachite to Ruby helping her escape to her working with Red and Jasper now.

"Wait, Red?" Amethyst asked, "Whose Red?"

"It's what we call her nowadays," Lapis explained. "She's changed so much, it just didn't seem right to call her Ruby anymore."

The group shivered as the room grew colder. A few glances came Sapphire's way.

"Look I didn't want to come here empty handed," Lapis attempted to reason, "Otherwise I would've came sooner. I have a plan if you'll let me."

Sapphire looked to Peridot. "Can we trust her?"

Peridot gulped slightly before nodding her head.

"Yes. Yes we can."

"Then that settles it," Sapphire nodded, finally unfreezing Lapis. "What's your plan?"

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