Chapter 20: Calm Before The Storm

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Chapter 20: Calm Before The Storm

"That's...that's not possible Sapphire." The worried Pearl bit at her fingernails.

"How do you know?" Amethyst asked, staring at Steven as if he had grown a second head. Pearl's hand clasped shakily around her mouth but no one took notice.

Steven had not come out of his trance-like state. Sapphire had been forced to restrain him although all she really did was lock him in the bathroom where everyone was currently situated.

"I know what I'm seeing, as do you, even though we don't want to admit it," Sapphire said. "I don't know how but I swear it. Somewhere inside Steven, something is trying to come through. And if it's the diamonds..."

"Hm," Peridot walked over to him with curiosity, "Steven may I see your gem please?"

At first the boy didn't respond but slowly, almost like he was having difficulty moving his arm, he raised his pajama shirt up.

"How interesting..."

Pearl tested her luck and was relieved to see she could remove her hands. "What is it Peridot?" Pearl asked, still a bit shaky, "Is he ok?"

"Well I'm no gem medic," Peridot scoffed but then turned to mumbling, "It is interesting though. Look here."

The gems walked over to Steven and saw something quite interesting indeed. It looked like his normal gem but it was pulsating a white light from within.

"I have to get it."

"What exactly are you trying to get Steven?" Peridot asked.

"The stone. I..." Steven's eyes widened and he suddenly ran to the unguarded door. "The other two are getting closer! I have to get there before them!" The young boy broke down the door and made a direct line to the warp pad.

Quick on her feet, Sapphire grabbed a hold of the others and sprinted towards the warp pad, just barely making it in time to be warped away to wherever Steven intended to go.


"What is this place?" Amethyst asked. They seemed to be in an empty field filled with tall grass. There wasn't anything gem-like to be seen for miles.

"I've never seen this place before," Pearl shook her head.

Steven seemed to look around for a minute before suddenly running forward. The others quickly followed him. They had been running for a few minutes before Steven came to a complete stop.

"I don't get it. There's nothing here." Peridot shifted her gaze. "Right?"

"Look." Sapphire pointed to Steven. He had dropped to the ground and was examining something on the floor.

A white metal door in the shape of a square was hidden in the ground. It must have been covered by dirt as large mounds surrounded it. There were dusty handprints along the surface. Someone had been here already.

Without a second thought, Steven pried open the door and jumped down into the dark abyss below.

"Steven!" Pearl yelled and dropped down with him.

"Here goes nothing." Amethyst looked at Peridot and they jumped down together leaving Sapphire as the last one. Just as she was about to jump in, she spotted something- or someone, ahead of her.

Maybe it was her imagination but Sapphire could've sworn she saw a figure duck into the tall grass ahead of her. After about a minute of watching, however, Sapphire doubted her senses and came to the conclusion that she had just imagined it.

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