Chapter 9

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  Amelia's POV:
I saw Lily walk into my room and leave quickly. I got up out of my bed and went to the bathroom to find that it was locked. So I sighed and reached up to grab the spare key and unlocked the bathroom to find Lily had cut her self just as she was about to do it again. Before she could I grabbed the blade from her and threw it down the stairs. "What the fuck Lily? What was even going through your mind?" I asked her as I patched up the cut. "I'm tired of all the pain and heart ache from Ryan." she said. "RYAN!!!!!!" I yelled causing him to rush up the stairs and so did Brandon. "What?" he asked me. "What the fuck is wrong with you two? Lily just cut her self because of you. Ryan, are that fucking clueless? You have feelings for this girl and you can't deny them because I see it in your eyes. You took dome sluts phone number and you didn't even think about the girl you really love who has cut her self because of your stupidity, you are a horrible person who I can't even look at anymore and your my own brother. I am disappointed in you. And Brandon what the fuck is wrong with you? You kissed me and then you don't even care enough to tell some slut to go fuck her self. I have known you for years now and I can tell you have feelings for me because I heard you say it. I thought you were so much better than that. I am very disappointed in you as well and I wouldn't be wrong if I was to say Lily wasn't disappointed in you too. You two should be a damn shame of yourselves, you know we have feelings for you guys." I said scolding at them because I knew it was their fault.
I had just told them that we have feelings for them, FUCK!!!! But they didn't say anything about that or me scolding at them. Lily and I fixed ourselves up and left to go get pizza. We got the usual, two large pepperoni pizza and two pepsi's. We got our usual seat at the back corner table away from everyone. We were waiting on our food when two guys came up to us and tried talking to us. "Hey cute little ladies. How are you guys doing tonight?" one of them said. "We were doing good until you guys showed up. We came here to get away from cheating ass lying motherfuckers like you. Why don't the two of you get the fuck out of here trying to talk to us. We don't have time for hoes like the two of you." Lily said rolling her eyes at the two boys. "Yeah, I agree with her we don't need the two of you over here bothering us now you can go away and leave us the fuck alone." I said. "And what are two little girls like you going to do if we don't?" the other asked. "I will-" " The two of you heard them get the fuck out of here and if you want to know what I am going to do I will beat the shit out of both of you and not feela single bit of guilt." Ryan said cutting me off with Brandon right there at his side with his fist balled up.
"And who are you two?" one of the guys asked. "I am her boyfriend and her brother" Ryan said pointing at Lily and then pointing at me. "And my friend over here is my sisters boyfriend and her brother." Ryan said pointing again. "Uhm excuse you last I checked neither one of us was asked out by the two of you, so don't even say that." Lily said as I nodded my head agreeing with her. "Oh good then can we get your numbers?" the other boy asked. having a flash back of what happened when they gave those two girls their numbers they didn't think twice so why should we? After all they are good looking and built and both have a deep voice and beautiful brown eyes. They were also cousins on top of it, the only reason I know they are cousins is because I have seen them around school the slightly taller ones name was Tyler and the other was Caleb. They were football players and built like no other.
"Yeah sure you can have our numbers just don't fuck up like these two idiots over here." I said pointing at Brandon and Ryan. Lily and I gave them our numbers and Brandon sat beside me and Ryan beside Lily. " Are you guys serious ?" Brandon asked me with his sad face that he always gives me when he is upset. "Yes we are. What makes you two bone heads think that you can give two sluts your numbers and we can't give two hot guys ours?" I said looking at him disgustedly. "Because we didn't really give them our real numbers we just mixed all of them up." Ryan said looking at Lily with a sad face. "What the fuck is wrong with the two of you. You couldn't have told us that earlier?" Lily said basically scolding them. "We wanted to see how you guys really felt about us, now we know." Brandon said looking at me all innocently "Well too bad you guys had your chance and you blew it, so now we get to go out with them maybe next time you will think about things before you do them." I said knowing we didn't really give them our numbers but fair is fair and I know Lily is thinking the same thing as I am we are just going to have to pretend go on a date, but we are really just going to go bowling next Friday.  

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