Chapter 35

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  Lilly's POV:
When Amel ran out of the house you can see heart break in my brother's eyes. I stood up made sure Ryan wouldn't walk away, and slapped my Aunt it took the smirk right off her face. "What was that for young lady?" I watched as she stood up and looked me dead in the eye, "That was for calling my best friend ugly and that Brandon can do so much better. Because of any one that can do so much better it is her, Brandon put her through hell then got it together in time to propose to her and her to say yes! And you of all people shouldn't be strutting around telling people that they can do better." I was in her face and watched as she tried to back away and end the conversation. "No we're not done!" I was furious that she said that about my best friend and my boyfriend. "You can't just say those things and not think no one is going to stop you. Brandon would've been so much harsher, but I'm not him am I. Now bitch get this through your thick skull, you don't say those things to anyone I care about. And if I find out you did anything to stop them from getting married I will hunt you down and beat the living shit out of you, got it? And that's only if I can find my best friend now that you scared her off, now I know why mom hated you! Now give me the ring Bitch!" I finished it off by ripping the ring out of her grasp and giving it to my brother and running out the door with the boy's trailing behind me.
When I reached the car I ripped open the back door and climbed in and tried calling Amel but it led to her voice mail. I had tears building in my eyes and blurring up my vision, when Ryan reached me I pulled him into a hug and sobbed into his chest. When my brother reached the car I let go of Ryan and hugged him, I whispered sorry's into his ear and pulled away and curled up in a ball near the opposite door and rocked telling myself to stop the voices that were telling me that it was my fault. If only I didn't accept her invitation, I was trying my hardest to ignore the voices but they didn't go away or quiet down they only got louder. I then curled up on Ryan's lap and listened to his heart beat as it lulled me to sleep.
When we got home I was still asleep but Ryan carried me to his bed and lid me under the blankets but as me holding him in a tight grip it woke me up I let him go and changed into something more easy to in. I came out of the bathroom and opened the locket it was the four of us as little kids and the other side was blank I was going to save it for when me and Ryan get engaged and have someone take a picture of the four of us. I shut it and walked out of the house telling the boys I was going to be gone for a little.
I drove to the park everyone played at when we were younger and walked into the wooded area and came to the tree house I kept to myself and listen closely for any noises and i didn't hear any. I walked deeper and came a crossed a river that lead to a lake and near the lake was a tree house I recently found not far from the lake. I walked to the newly built tree house and climbed up the ladder and walked around then sat down on a couch I put in here, I thought of all the places she could've went to I knew no one knew this place. I got up and walked up the stairs and came a crossed the other rooms in the tree house it had five other rooms besides the main room. I came up with no one in here, I still had to get a lock for it. I was planing to show everyone tomorrow, but now we have a bigger problem Amelia is missing because of my idiotic Aunt.  

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