Chapter 32

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  Amelia's POV:
I woke up the next day and Bran wasn't next to me, so I got up and went and changed into for the day. I went down stairs and made breakfast for everyone, I went upstairs and woke Lily and Ry up and told them to come and eat because today was the day we were supposed go see Lily's and Bran's aunt. Lily came down stairs and said "Change of plans guys, my aunt said she is busy today but she can have us over tomorrow." I looked at her and said "Well whenever she is ready to see you guys is fine, you know I'm going to be there for both of you. And does anyone know where Bran is?" they both said no. I tried calling and texting him to see if he would answer but he didn't. I started to get worried.
It was now lunch time and we went to eat at Frugles, I got a bacon cheese burger with some fries and a pepsi and so did Lily, Ry ordered a double bacon cheeseburger deluxe with fries a pepsi and a milk shake. We sat at the back table and ate our food and talked for awhile. When we were finished eating we left and went back home. Bran still hadn't showed up at all and I was super worried because it was starting to get late and he is never gone this long unless he was with a girl, I sure hope he wasn't with another girl because that would break my heart all to pieces and I couldn't handle that.
It was now dinner time, instead of cooking we decided to have a movie night, we ordered 4 large meat lovers pizza and rented a scary movie. Lily and I sent Ry to go get some sodas and energy drinks, when Ry got back and he sat down we started the movie and all of a sudden Bran calls me and I answered saying "Are you okay and where have you been?" he replied "I'm down at the beach all of you need to come here, I have to tell you something." and he hung up. I told Lily what he said and we paused the movie and went down to the beach and he was there looking at the ocean. I said "We are here" he turned to me and said "Amelia we have known each other for a long time now and Lily thinks of you as her sister and we have been in love with each other since we have known each other," he knelt down on one knee "will you make me the happiest guy in the world by marrying me?" he said as he pulled out a beautiful diamond ring. I gasped and looked at him and pulled him up by his shirt and kissed him and said "Yes I would love to marry you." we started kissing again and Lily and Ry was so happy that they hugged each other and kissed too. This is the best day of my life, it couldn't get any better.
We went back inside after everything and sat down and watched our movie. The guys had their arms around us and the movie was so scary that Lily and I jumped several time and the boys just held us and smiled. I loved this night nothing could be any better than tonight. After the movie was over we said good night and we went to our rooms. Bran and I went and sat on our bed and I laid down and said "I love you so much!" he smiled and kissed me and laud beside me and wrapped his arms around me and we cuddled.  

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