Chapter 10

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Quick recap:
You didn't know where you were going but you wanted
to be any where but here.
Your POV

You ran as far away from the venue as possible.

You finally saw a line of fans waiting outside.

"Y/n!" You hear everyone shout.

You feel a fan grab your arm and ask if you're ok.

You pull your arm away and continue to walk away.

You hear a bunch of fans scream and you know that someone had ran after you.

"Y/n wait up." You hear a voice say.

It was Sarah.

You look at her and she opens her arms welcoming you into a big hug.

You just cry into her shoulder and you both sit down on the sidewalk.

"Ok y/n I know you probably don't want to talk about it but I need to know what happened." Sarah says.

You wipe your eyes and begin to explain.

"So I really like Josh and I was gonna tell him how I felt tonight before the show but apparently he has a girlfriend named Debby." You say.

"Wow I'm sorry y/n." Sarah says.

After a couple of minutes of painful silence Sarah stands up.

"Here let's head to the buses and you can eat the ice cream and watch some movies." Sarah says.

"Ok that's fine with me." You say.

"Thank you Sarah." You say with a hug.

"No problem." She says hugging back.

You both talked the rest of the way back to the buses.

When you got back, you changed into a onesie and climbed into your bunk.

Sarah handed you a tub of ice cream and a spoon.

"Y/n as much as I would love to stay with you I have to go back." Sarah said as she walked out.

You pull out your phone and watch some YouTube instead of a movie.

Tonight was by far the worst night of your life.

I'm sorry it's short buuuuuuuut I have school tomorrow soooooo.

Anyway quick question:
What if I brought Dan and Phil into the story along with you becoming a YouTuber? (Thinking about the you become a YouTuber part tho)

Please let me know your opinions on that!

Bye guys!

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