Chapter 27

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Thanks twenty_one_airplains for the idea 😂😂 I wasn't sure where I was going with this but now I do 😂😂 anyways ENJOY
Quick recap:
"I want to see him." You said confidently.
Your POV

Josh walked into the room with his head down. "Y/n I'm sorry." He said.

"Sorry for what?" You asked him confused.

Josh's POV

This was my chance to get y/n back. I know it's wrong but I love her... I really do.

"For leaving you alone like that." I said quickly.

"Josh what are you doing?" I hear Tyler mumble.

I turn to look at him but look towards y/n.

"It's not your fault baby, it's- actually I really don't remember anything." Y/n said but trailed off.

"It's o-" I was cut off by Tyler dragging me into the hallway.

"Josh you know this isn't right." Tyler said to me, clearly upset.

"Tyler I love her, I really do. This is my one chance to get her back, I don't wanna fuck it up." I said back.

"You're gonna regret this Josh, the doctors said give it a few weeks and she should start remembering things again." Tyler said to me. That's when I realized it really wasn't right at all. As much as I loved y/n she would hate me even more if she remembered it.

I nodded my head and walked into the room.

"Y/n I'm sorry." I said.

"Stop saying sorry," She said laughing.

"No, y/n this is serious." I said.

I just then realized this was my chance to explain everything.

Your POV

As josh explained everything the memories came back.

"The night we went to Sarah's ultrasound Debbie showed up and kissed me, though, I did not kiss her back. She forced herself on me but you saw it a different way. You ran and wouldn't listen and I was terrified I lost you forever. You called it off wouldn't answer my calls or texts so I saw this as my chance to win you back but I couldn't risk hurting you again. I'm sorry." Josh had spilt everything out of him and by the time he was done a tear fell down his face.

You lifted your arm up and wiped his tears away.

"Josh it's ok. I'm sorry I didn't listen. I shouldn't have shut you out like that." You said as you grabbed his hand.

"I love you." You whispered.

"I love you too princess." He whispered back.

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