Chapter 12

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*not proof read cause I have school tomorrow and I need sleep lmao 😂*
Quick recap:
This made your day way better.
Your POV
You wake up in the hotel bed and immediately get ready.

You very quickly change into (pic above).

You do your makeup. (Looks like dis ⬇️⬇️).

You walk out of the bathroom to be greeted by a sleepy Tyler

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You walk out of the bathroom to be greeted by a sleepy Tyler.

"Good morning Tyjo!" You say.

He slightly lifts up his hand and walks into the bathroom to change.

You chuckle and there is a knock at the door.

You open it only to be greeted by Sarah.

"Hey Sarah!" You say.

"Hey y/n!" She said.

"So what's up?" You ask her.

"Nothing, but can I talk to you?" She asks.

"Yeah sure!" You say.

"I need your opinion on something that's all." She says.

"Oh it's completely fine!" You say smiling.

"Ok so if you missed your period and your not a virgin what would you do?" She asks.

"I would take a pregnancy test definitely." You say confused.

"Well I kinda did and..." she says trailing off.

"WHAT?" You say jumping up.

Then your face falls and you say "Ew, ew, ew that means you had sex... with my nasty brother."

Sarah laughs and then you say "But I'm still happy for you!"

"So do you think I should tell Brendon yet or..." she asks.

"Well that's completely up to you, I mean whenever your ready!" You tell her.

"Thanks y/n, and please don't tell anyone." She says getting up.

"I promise I won't." You say.

"Thank you!" And she walks out the door.

Tyler then walks out and says, "I'll just pretend I didn't hear any of that."

"You better Tyler Joseph." You say laughing.

He puts his hands up and laughs.

You begin to gather your stuff as everyone meets in the hallways.

~on the road~

"Ok so our next show is in New York!" Brendon says.

"Yay!" You say.

Everyone goes back to doing what they were doing.

You were listening to music and didn't realize how loud you were singing.

"Wow y/n your pretty good!" Your brother says.

You blush as everyone claps.

"Thanks I guess." You say laughing.

~in New York!~

As you pulled up to the venue it was time for a sound check.

You decided to join in this time so you got dressed.

(In dis ⬇️⬇️)

You quickly did your makeup and followed everyone in

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You quickly did your makeup and followed everyone in.

~After sound check~

Since you really had nothing to do you called Tyler over.

"Hey ty can you teach me how to play piano?"

"Sure thing fren." He says.

"Thanks." You say laughing.

After failing a lot you got better.

It was finally time for the show.

You head backstage and watch everyone preform.

During the show Brendon called Sarah on stage.

"Sarah you are my everything." He begins as he gets down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?"

"YES!" She screams as tears of joy slip down her face.

The crowd went wild, and they went back to preforming.

You were happy for your brother and your soon to be sister Sarah!

All I Can Do Josh Dun X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now