Chapter 18

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Quick recap:
"And it seems to be that you broke your ankle." The doctor says.
Your POV

As they were putting the cast on your ankle Brendon was apologizing to you.

"Y/n you have no idea how sorry I am." He begins.

"Don't worry in the dumb one who went along with your dumb idea." You say.

"True." He says going along with it.

"Did you get it on camera tho?" You ask him.

"Yeah." He says laughing.

"Ow." You say as the doctor moved your foot.

Josh sat beside you and squeezed your hand.

"Y/n I just want you to know how dumb that was." Josh says looking at you.

You smile sarcastically and look away.

"Yeah I know it was pretty dumb." You say back to Josh, feeling a little ashamed.

"And there ya go now all we have to do is set up your crutches and you will be good to go." The doctor says walking out of the room.


You walk out of the emergency room with your crutches along with Josh right by your side.

"Be careful I don't want you to break anything else." Josh says In a caring voice.

"I'll try not to." You say sarcastically.

You climb up into the bus, Josh not shortly after you.

You climb into the bunk and lay down.

Josh grabs your crutches and sets them to the side.

"Thanks babe." You say, As he climbs into the bunk and scoots right by your side.

"Anything for you." He says smiling.

You slide into his arms, melting into his touch with every move.

"Y/n Urie I love you no matter how dumb you are." He says drifting off to sleep.

"I'm glad cause I'll probably end up doing even more dumb stuff." You say with a chuckle as you too drift off to sleep.
Sorry for the short update I just wanted to!

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