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It was nearing dusk, a light breeze caressing their cheeks and making their hair flutter in rhythm with the tree leaves surrounding them. The cold cement was starting to numb her thighs; the light satin dress Madison was wearing barely keeping her warm. As for Anastasia, she didn't seem to mind the colder air in her jean shorts and loose t-shirt, though crossing her legs to keep herself from bouncing it in anxiety. They both knew this conversation was bound to happen, but how to start it?

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Madison finally spoke, eyes staring at the scenery of flowers in front of them. Ana nodded, a tight smile on her lips. "I love to come here. It's always so serene, invigorating." Madison heard Ana let out a deep sigh, slowly turning to look at her.

"I'm so sorry." Anastasia let out, eyes glued to her fidgety fingers and brows furrowed. "So, so sorry." The honesty in her tone made Mady take in a slow breath, her heart easing its beat gradually. "I-I have done awful things to you, said disgusting things in the past and..." Ana searched for her words, finally meeting Madison's eyes. "And I want to apologize for it. I know it's probably too late now, but... But the past few years I had the opportunity to learn and educate myself. It made me open my eyes and realize things... And... Understand that the way I treated you was unfair, and absolutely horrifying." She admits, voice growing shaky. "And not only to you, but to the other amazing girls that were competing." She purses her lips before a humourless laugh escaped her lips. "I was a complete bitch."

"Please," Madison interfered, placing a hand on Ana's arm and lightly squeezing it. She smiled at Ana, feeling nothing else but a rush of contentment. "It's been almost six years since then and... Though I appreciate your apologizes, I feel like...We're such different people now," She shrugged, Anastasia looking at her slightly unsure. "And we've grown and matured, and... All of what happened just... doesn't matter anymore, you know?"

"What do you mean?" Ana asked softly, but a bit confused. Madison shrugged, feeling so light suddenly, like a sudden obscure veil was lifted and everything was clear again.

"We've both moved on and to me, the past doesn't really matter now. Because that's what it is, the past." She said and Anastasia's features softened, taking in her words. "It doesn't define you anymore, but what you do today does. And from what I've heard, you did amazing things and I think... I think that shows a lot of character from you, a lot of strength to realize your wrongs and push yourself to do more. And, I'm genuinely proud."

"I-I don't know what to say." Ana murmured in a breath, a smile slowly etching itself on her face. "I believed you'd still hate me, or something." She chuckled, looking up at Madison. "I'm glad...I feel honored, that you gave me this second chance I guess?" Madison grinned at her, reaching for her hand and holding it between hers.

"Holding grudges isn't healthy, especially for that long. And, I firmly believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt. Always." Ana's smile brightened, holding Madison's hands back with a tight, but warm grip.

"Thank you." She said softly. "It means... It means a lot." Madison nodded, both girls falling into a calm silence. They were starting fresh again, a dead weight lifting off their shoulders. And Madison was glad of how they both turned out, for the better.



"Just tell her that he had to extend his trip because the meetings aren't going well, or something."

"But... why?" The small brunette asked, looking at Louis over her clipboard with a confused frown. Louis sighed, making a grimace as he tried to think of some lie to make up.

Ever After  | Book 2 of the Selected SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now