Laughing jack x abusedchild!reader

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"No more daddy stop!" you yelled/screamed in agony as your father slowly but painfully twisted your ankle "Shut up brat, one more scream and ill break it." he scoffed. you bit back screams, Yelps and tears only letting out small whimpers.

after thirty minutes of agonizing torture you blacked out only to wake up in a forest 'did he leave me here?... alone?' you thought as you shifted positions. You yelped when your ankle made contact with the floor, it still hurted. You Felt tears stream down your face as you stood up and hobbled a bit, you took slow painful steps through the woods and into the street you had never been here before.

"d-daddy?" you called in a feble shaken voice. no reply, you started to sob quietly to yourself as you walked. Were you going to be alone for the rest of your life?. You stumbled about for what felt Like forever now you were in an amusement park, not just any amusement an abandoned amusement park. it gave you this feeling like you were being watched you tried to run but no avail, since your ankle was badly twisted, you started to hear a song play.. pop goes the weasel. this terrified you since no one was around.

pop goes the weasel.

just as the last line played you tripped causing a loud and obvious shriek of pain, you heard a chuckle from behind causing you to turn around.. it was a clown, a monochrome clown to be exact. He had shoulder length black hair a black and white pointed nose and Sharp teeth, not to mention his whole outfit was black and white with hints of grey. he looked at you, you could see the murder and desire for blood in his eyes but yet.. you just sat there and stared."would you like some candy? hahah." he chuckled merrily holding some candy out towards you, you tilted your head "C-candy.. what's that?" you sat up and instantly regretted it feeling pain course through your whole body.

the clown looked at you shocked

"you've never had candy before?" he asked, it almost sounded pityful "n-no." you shook your head. he just stared at you. it made you uncomfortable so you tried to stand instantly falling back down on your knees "what happened?" he asked bending down to your current level "m-my daddy twisted my a-ankle" you said. he looked a little mad before you could even react he grabbed your ankle and lightly brought it forward, you whimpered and wondered what he was going to do. you thought he was going to break it or worse pull it off completely you were suprised when he started to bandage it 'wait where did he get bandages?' "its just a minor twist, you should be able to walk soon" he said letting you foot softly hit the floor "I-i should be getting home, m-my dads probably worried." you lied, he probably didn't even care.

"no your coming with me Hahahaa." he chuckled and grabbed your hand pulling you to your feet "w-where to?" he started walking and he suported you upright "to a happy mansion where no one will ever hurt you again Hahahaa." he tightened his grip on your hand and smiled when you squeezed his "w-what's your name?" you asked looking at him "laughing jack just call me lj. what's yours Hahahaa" you smiled weakly "y-y/n" he chuckled "Suits a girl like you." you giggled and after that you and lj became the best of friends he'd take care of you, play with you and make you smile

thanks for always being there for me, love y/n x

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