BEN Drowned x ShyGlitch!reader

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You had met slender a while back, in his woods. He Said he wanted to introduce you to people who wouldn't pick on you for your... problem.

Today was the day. You were so nervous that you hid behind slenderman when he opened the large white oak woods doors.

"Everyone I would like to introduce the newest pasta, come on Don't be scared. Introduce yourself."

slender said gently as he pushed you forward, your eyes scanned over the other people. there were ones with masks, ones with cuts and stiches and one.. He looked like a game character, like link, his gaze met yours and he smiled. you gulped and straightened your eyes to your feet and your voice quietly crepped out of your throat.

"I-I am-" your body started glitching because of how nervous you were. "(y/n)"

you felt long slender fingers on your shoulder as slender gave you an nod of approval, you returned a nervous smile.

everyone greeted you and you learned there names, all but that boy you saw before.

he defenitly was older than you but not by much, Mabye three years.

you left the crowd and slowly made your way over to the little elf taking a seat beside him.

his ruby red eyes found there way to you as he paused his game.

"I'm BEN, BEN Drowned"

"You kin-d-da look like link."

"hah, i get told that a lot. Can I ask something?" you raised a brow curious as to what he had to say.


"Are you That (Y/n) from the first ever version of (f/g)? (a/n; Favourite game)" his ruby orbs stared into your e/c ones.

you were stunned noone but slender knew about that.

you started glitching trying to avoid his gaze but even when you looked away, you could feel it.

you took a deep breath as you calmed down, your glitching did aswell, and you weren't one to lie. so you gave him an honest.

"I-i am, but how did you know? my game was... u-unplugged years ago." you let your eyes fall on him again.

"I'm a big fan of the game" he smiles sending butterflies through your stomache and a heat through your cheeks.

he chuckled.

"would you like to play?" he held out another controller that came from god knows where.

you laced your fingers over the controller and nodded. you hadn't played an xbox since... the incident.

you guys played for hours upon hours he taught you the basics and when you got it wrong, he would help you. it was late now around about midnight.

you layer your head, accidentally, on his lap as your eyes claimed a droopy state. he leaned down and whispered a quick goodnight as you drifted off to sleep.


You woke up in a completely f/c room with nothing but the bed your lay upon, an empty closet and a nightstand with a little lamp sat atop of it.

you outstretched your arm and turned on the light hissing as your eyes adjusted.

you yawned and sat up pulling the dovet off of your frame.

you smiled and blushed remebering you fell asleep on the lap of the link look a like.

"(Y/N)!!! breakfast!" slender yelled from down in The kitchen. you giggled and got ready leaving the room.

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