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I guess I should start at the start, but it's not quite that easy.

I'd had a string of terrible relationships, guys who only wanted one thing. Again and again I'd fall for the same type of guy, tricked into thinking he was different. Each time though, we broke up before sex.

I'd done everything else with these guys though, and in a small town, it was inevitable that soon enough, the entire school knew.

Over and over, my exes would tell anyone who would listen that they'd gotten in with Gabriella Flood. Of course they exaggerated, but they made sure that every factual detail was told as well as the lies.

It crushed me.


In a small town like Arondale, rumors flew. Especially at Arondale High.

And I heard each and every rumor and truth told about Gabriella.

Every time I heard something she'd done, I had three initial thoughts;

-Firstly, was it true

-Secondly, what was she thinking, and my third thought, the one I was most ashamed of, yet the one which kept me up most nights;

-What if it was me with her?

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