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I'll be honest here, he was never really an 'anybody' before I came along.

He was in the popular crowd, I guess, but he didn't really come across as significant, or different.

Fate obviously had something in mind for me though, because it was completely out of the blue when I finally stumbled upon meeting Lukan.

It was an overcast day, and Arondale is quite possibly the ugliest town ever in these conditions. Its grey, awful and depressing. Nowhere to go, nothing to do. Yay.

On this disgusting excuse for a day though, to make it even better, it was a school day, so I put on my uniform, looked in our empty cupboard in the hope of food, found none, and started my walk to school. Carly was sick, so I was loning it anyway.

I had a sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach but I passed it off as hatred for school, and shivered in the cold air. I could see Arondale High coming up, and I mentally prepared myself for another day of hell. See, the thing is, people don't see past my act, so except for my three real friends, the people who grouped around me were all fakers, liars, and people who only care about one thing. Popularity. They make me sick.

I walked across the threshold, taking a deep breath as walked towards the block where my locker is. But something wasn't right. There was no-one on the courtyard, and I could hear yelling from the block ahead.


I hear a high pitched shriek yell as I push through the bodies surrounding the doorway. I sigh and turn around, just as Jessica runs towards me.

"Gabby there's a fight, a huge one, right by your locker! Jack found Dyl putting something in your locker, and you know how he is, he demanded to see it. He read the whole thing out but in short it was some note asking you to meet him after school at his place. Jack asked Dyl what he though he was doing putting a note in his girls locker and Dyl lost it!" She pauses, trying to catch her breath I guess.

"Jessica, what the fuck! Spit it out! What happened?!"

"Dyl punched him, like, really hard, spat on him then he goes 'She's not your fucking girl, you don't fucking own her you ignorant son of a bitch"

"When oh my god, where?!"

"It literally JUST happened, right by your locker, oh my god, I'm like, so scared right now."

I shoved her out of my way and pushed through the double doors, running down the hall towards my locker, and then I see it. Blood is sprayed everywhere, and I can barely tell which is who. I pushed forward blindly, just trying to seperate them, succeeding in ending up in the middle, and while Dyl was quick enough to register it was me, Jack just kept swinging. His fist connected with my face, and the last thing I saw before I hit the floor was a strangers face, and a hand reaching towards me, perhaps to break my fall. Too late.


I walked into the social studies block, and felt claustrophobic straight away. People were everywhere, and I had a feeling I knew why. There's only ever one thing that  ever gathered this many students at once in this shithole. A fight.

I pushed through the crowd, and just in time too. I caught sight of the two fighters just as the most gorgeous, popular girl at Arondale pushed in between them, only to get hit in the face by her loser boyfriend, she spun around, shocked, before she started to fall. I rushed forward to try to catch her, but I was too late. I stretched out, grabbed her hand and pulled her from the fight.

She was unconcious on the floor in front of me, so I picked her up, and pushed through the crowd of idiots watching. I had to get her to the Nurse's office.

It's only once she was layed down with the Nurse checking over her, when it finally hit me. Gabriella Flood had just been hit by her boyfriend.

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