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I replied to his text after overthinking every possible situation. I decided it was easier to avoid what he'd said and just thank him. I don't know if I'm just a suspicious person, but I wasnt ready to trust him just yet.

"Hey Lukan, just wanted to say thankyou so much for the other day. I really don't know what I would've done if you weren't there. And thankyou for dropping me home, you really do seem to know what's best for me better than I do. Maybe if you want we can hang sometime? Anyway, thanks x."

And now to wait, how would he react?

Oh god. You'd think I wouldn't have gotten nervous at all about texting guys, but I really was not as flawless as everyone thought.

It was tough work being perfect, something my best friend used to remind me of almost daily.

Speaking of, I realised I hadn't text Carly since before the incident. Shit.

"Hey Carls, um, idunno if you've heard, but uh, Jack, he, uh, he hit me."


I hoisted myself out of the icy water and legged it up to where my phone lay.

I then took a deep breath and unlocked it. Here goes nothing, I thought, surprisingly calmly.

"Hey Lukan, just wanted to say thankyou so much for the other day. I really don't know what I would've done if you weren't there. And thankyou for dropping me home, you really do seem to know what's best for me better than I do. Maybe if you want we can hang sometime? Anyway, thanks x."

Oh. My. God. I can't even. Gab.. She.. My.. Oh dear.


And then I re-read the end. Not only did my long-time crush, (obsession), just send me a x, but she wanted to hang out with me!

I took a few deep breaths before deciding to reply. Play it smooth, Lukan, don't scare her off.

Shakily, my fingers typed out my reply. Here goes nothing, I thought.

"Hey, hope you're feeling better. And no need to say thankyou, any decent guy would've stepped in! I'm just glad to have been a help. I would love to hang sometime! Just let me know when suits you yeah?? x"

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