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I woke early in the afternoon, with the sun streaming through my open curtains. I'd forgotten to shut them when I collapsed into bed the day before, and to be honest, I kind of liked waking like that. And the weather was definitely a welcome change from the day before as well. Weather here changes quicker than you can ever keep up, and on occasions like this, that isn't a bad thing.

I roll over and pull my phone off the nightstand. Eight unread texts. I take a deep breath and begin to read.

Jack: "Babe I'm sorry, are you okay? I just wanted to stop him being with you"

Jack: "He was asking for it, you weren't meant to be hurt"

Jack: "I'm sorry you got in the way, but babe wtf were you gonna do meeting him anyway"

Jack: "It's more his fault than mine you know? He caused this, and you were the idiot to step in. Why the fuck won't you text back, guilty?"

This was how I could tell when he was becoming him again, he would only ever stay nice for so long.

Jack: "Answer me fuck! I gave you everything, we're perfect together. Why the fuck would you pick him over me? Look at me then him! Make your choice and make it now."

Dyl: "Ri, baby I hope you're okay. I'm so sorry he hit you, I'm so sorry you got pulled into it. Baby say the word and I'm there with you, I just don't know if you want me there. I really hope you're okay."

Unknown: "Hey, it's Lukan here, uh idk if you'll remember me but I brought you home? Uh anyway, hope you're feeling okay, you need anything let me know."

Why would he think I wouldn't remember him? How could I not?!

Jack: "You're so fucking self-centered  you knowI feel so guilty and you don't even care you selfish bitch, but I bet you and him planned it like that ae? Bitch, we're so over."

Ha, he thought I was going to stay with him? Hardly.

And Dyl, always such a comfort to me, I just didn't know if I could face him. He hated Jack right from the start and he warned me. Why didn't I listen?

Lies, that's why. It seemed to be all the guys who wanted me were that good at lying that they made me believe they actually liked me, and that they weren't losers. If only.

Then again though, most of my life is a lie.


Her house was nice, yeah, but not what I expected. I mean, don't get me wrong it was brand-new, but I dunno, I was expecting a mansion or something I guess. I got out and helped her to the door. It was here she said goodbye, then hugged me tightly and whispered "thankyou" in my ear. One word from her and I was on a high.

I sent her a polite text a couple hours later, and thought to myself, let the wait begin.


I couldn't believe that thuggish idiot. Yeah, he could try his tough guy act on me, I would sort him out, in theory, fine. But he hit Gabriella.

I never liked him, and I knew he was a player. I knew he'd hurt Ri in the end, but I didn't think it would be like that. I couldn't describe the feeling I felt when he hit Gabriella, but it was like a spreading emptiness, swallowing my torso, drying out my mouth, and freezing my brain.

I said to myself over and over after his foolish act, he would pay. No matter when or how I would make him pay. And if he ever went near Gabriella again.. Well, it didn't do the sadistic side of my mind any good to plan what I'd do to him, but each scenario played through my mind that night.

Jack Sage WOULD pay.

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