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I woke at sometime around 2 in the morning, noticing the chill that had leached into my room through my open window, and I rolled off of my bed onto the soft carpet. I shuffled slowly over to my window-seat before clambouring onto it and leaning out into the dark of early morning to shut my windows. Winter really was setting in. I turned back to my bed, ready for the comfort and safety of my sheets. That was when I noticed my phone beside my pillow, the green light flashing. Shit. I never checked my phone again to see if Gabriella had replied. 

Sure enough, I checked my phone and had three unread messages from her. Any joy I would've normally gained from seeing three texts from Gabriella was ripped away when I clicked into the conversation.

Gabriella: any time is good for me ay, im lookin forward 2 it x

Gabriella: wud?x

Gabriella: look, if you dont wana talk t me jus say ok like im over being fucked with.

Shit, shit, shit, shit! 

My stomach had dropped and I knew I was in for it.

Me: no no no im so sorry! ofc i wana talk to you! i forget to check my phone after i got home then i fell asleep i swear it! im soooo sorry!!!!x

The nerves were choking me, what if I had just ruined the only chance I might've ever had with her?

And then I realised I had just text her at two in the morning. What if I woke her up?! I'd gone into full panic mode when I felt my phone vibrate, signalling a text. I unlocked my phone hastily to read her reply.

Gabriella: oh thats algoods sorry foa freaking out, im jus used to getting ignored ay xx

Me: i would nevr ignore you im so sorry! nd please tell me i didnt wake you up?? if i did im sooo sorry!XX

Gabriella: na i dont really sleep ay hahah so alg xxx

My relief when I knew I hadn't woken her was huge, but her text worried me a little.

Me: what dya mean you dont sleep?? why??xxx

We were having a full-on conversation! A week ago I wouldv'e never ever seen myself in that position.

Just goes to show, luck does have to come back around for the good at some point.


I felt really dumb all night that night. He hadn't replied in hours and I lost all hope of him ever replying. He probably only ever said he'd hang with me hoping I was bluffing and when he realised I was serious, decided ignoring the text was best. He probably already had a prettier, nicer, less difficult girl lined up. Oh well, I had thought, this had happened before after all. 

It was like two in the morning, and I knew I had a few more long hours to go before eventual sleep finally reached me. I logged onto my various accounts, and decided tumblr was my best option. My dash was filled with quotes, pictures, text posts. A small wave of relief watched over me, maybe I wouldn't be left to my thoughts. 

Funny thing isn't it, the thing that hurts you most, that messes with your head most, it's you. You can't escape your own opinions of yourself and they just haunt you.

I thought I could see something and glanced at the floor beside my bed, convinced I was imagining things, and saw my phone all lit up. The rush i got when I saw it was from him was nearly indescribable. It was like a warm relief spreading through my body, leaving my senses buzzing. My body felt light, my head felt clear and all tiredness was evaporating from my skin. 

I could read the concern in his message and i could feel his panic. The fact he showed his very real fright and sorrow to me so openly made me like him more immediately. I had a feeling he was a keeper. 

I replied quickly and soon enough we had a comfortable converstaion flowing.

I fell asleep for the first time in days, and I fell asleep smiling.

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