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-Gabriella Flood-

I knew I should've let go of his hand by then, but after reliving those memories, feeling that pain all over again, seeing them again, I felt like his hand in mine was the only thing keeping me from crumpling to my knees and crying.

I think he sensed that, because he laced his fingers through mine and squeezed gently.

People were staring, and I really don't know if that's because I of all people, had been hit by my boyfriend, or because I was walking through the hallway with a complete stranger. Oh well, I figured seeing as they'd already talk about me for weeks, I might as well make it worth it.

When we got to my locker I grabbed everything that would fit into my bag. I didn't plan on coming back for a while.

"Um, I really don't think you should be driving."

His soft voice startled me out of my daze, and I looked at him trying to read the expression on his face, protective maybe?

"I walked to school, that shouldn't be a problem."

I smirked at him as he blushed, he couldn't  have possibly wanted to give me a ride?

"Look, it's raining, you really shouldn't be walking, let alone in that weather, and I would feel a lot better if I knew you got home safely. I wasn't quick enough to save you earlier, please, let me take you home."

While his voice was soft, I could feel the strength underlying it, the conviction in his tone. I took a deep breath, and the throbbing in my head made the decision for me.

"Thankyou, that would be great. And sorry for not thanking you earlier, but thankyou so much for pulling me out and bringing me here. I really don't know what state I'd be in if you hadn't."

He smiled at my words, I think the fact I actually acknowledged it surprised him. He deserved the praise though, I really was grateful.

His car, while it's not a sleek black Audi like Dyl's, is still nice, and I sunk into the seat gratefully. My head was killing me.

He looked over to me, slightly concerned, and I smiled at him reassuringly. He looked me over a moment longer, before he softly smiled back, and pulled out of the parking lot.


When we walked into the hallway the whispers got progressively louder and the poor girl looked like she was about to pass out, so I laced my fingers through hers and squeezed, hopefully reassuring her. She smiled at me faintly, so I decided my action wasn't unwanted. We finally reached her locker and I swear she threw everything inside into her bag. I guess she didn't plan on coming back for a while anyway.

She looked set to go, and I couldn't help but wonder where I fitted in now. I knew one thing for sure though, I really didn't feel comfortable letting her drive herself home.

"Um, I really don't think you should be driving."

God I sounded so ridiculous, I just never had any confidence around her, she was perfect to me, in every way.

"I walked to school, that shouldn't be a problem."

Why hadn't I considered that? I can't believe how dumb I am sometimes, like honestly.

Well, I'd come that far with my plan, and I really didn't think it'd be safe for her to go alone, and what if Jack saw her?

"Look, it's raining, you really shouldn't be walking, let alone in that weather, and I would feel a lot better if I knew you got home safely. I wasn't quick enough to save you earlier, please, let me take you home."

I could see the indecision in her eyes, but I think she knew as well as I did that she shouldn't be walking home.

"Thankyou, that would be great. And sorry for not thanking you earlier, but thankyou so much for pulling me out and bringing me here. I really don't know what state I'd be in if you hadn't."

I smiled at her then, truly smiled. She actually ackonewledged me, thanked me, appreciated me! My heart was soaring and my soul was singing, the best high I'd ever had.

When we got to the car, I unlocked it and she sunk into the seat, I could feel her relief. I jumped in the other side and looked at her a moment, before she smiled at me. That simple gesture woke me up, and I pulled out of the parking lot.

"So, not to sound creeper but it's kinda necessary I ask you.. Where do you live?"

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