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Lukan. Why would he help me? I didn't even know him before it, what does he want from me?

That's it really. What does he want from me. I've learnt the hard way that there is always some ulterior motive behind kindness. I'll just have to wait and see I guess, I'll just try guard myself from too much pain.

I couldn't believe I ever liked Jack, I really couldn't. To think that someone would be that unbelievably cold, it just astounded me. And then there was Dyl. I don't even know what he wants from me anymore really, one minute he'd do anything for me, the next he just didn't contact me for a week. I wasn't sure whether he ever cared or not, but every time I convinced myself he didn't, he'd do something kind and considerate.

And then there's the added fact that he got jealous of any guy I was with, he was extremely over-protective, and even when he had a girlfriend, he begged me to get involved with him.

There it is, how he kept me going back, the thought that he did care. Because to give him credit, he was there for me through everything, I kept making excuses for his absences, his harsh words, and cruel actions. I was so weak wherever it concerned him, and I really didn't understand how that was.

I had never been a weak person, really. I mean to myself I didn't seem strong, but I guess when I thought about it I was. Everyone that knew the real me told me that. That's why it took me so long to realize he was playing me, because I never thought I was weak enough to depend on him.

One thing I knew for certain though, Jack Sage could go to hell. Gone were my dreams of us being the perfect couple, that popular couple, the relationship everyone wanted, all gone. I saw him for what he really was, and in that moment, I couldn't be more disgusted.

Lukan, Lukan, Lukan. For all I knew, he could've just been being polite by checking up on me, but I had a gut feeling that that wasn't it. I just hoped for the poor boy's sake, he'd be prepared, and maybe for my sake as well, that he could stick with me for a while at least.


I couldn't believe I'd been so stupid, texting her like that. Had I really expected her to reply? I was no-one, the uncoolest of the cool, the coolest of the uncool. She probably didn't even remember my name, just the slightly awkward guy who drove her home. She'd probably already text her whole contact list, asking them all "Who the hell is this Lukan guy texting me hhhahahaha how sad".

Ugh. Why did I torture myself like that? I could feel the darkness taking over me, the black clouds rolling in. I clenched my fists and shoved open my bedroom door, running out onto the landing before pounding down the stairs, ignoring mum's ditsy "Have fun dear," and dad's "Later man," and bolting out of the front door, before continuing on my way down the road, heading for the river.

The only thoughts to enter my head during that time were the sound of my footfalls on the gravel, keeping my breathing even and regular, and Gabriella's perfect face.

I kept running until I got to the rock beside the river that I often swam from. I walked along the top of it and into the slight undergrowth growing behind it, pulled off my t-shirt, followed by my shorts and shoes, and after stowing them away, safe from any splashes, I wandered towards the edge.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid Lukan. Nobody cares, especially not her. Don't fool yourself."

I took a deep breath before throwing myself off the edge, arcing into a dive. The last thing I heard before I penetrated the cool, slick surface of the water, was the shrill whistle from my phone, signaling a received text.

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