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Memories were flicking by, and while I was pretty sure I was unconcious, some of them were so familiar, so vivid, so real, it scared me. I could see everyone I loved, all together, all well, all happy, all living. Everything was so perfect. Sometimes I saw my brother and I running through the fields outside in the hot summer air, his hair glowing in the sunlight. I saw us laughing and playing and teasing, I saw us young. I saw our parents watching us proudly, holding hands, sitting on the deck, watching the river run by.


There never was a river by our house.

Was there?

I saw Dad wade into the river and submerge himself. Wasn't he going to come back?

Mum sat on the deck, crying quietly, and as I turned to Jaiyan for comfort he grew older, in front of my eyes, he aged, to the Jai I remember most clearly.

He turned to me, looked deep into my eyes and whispered to me.

"Don;t you forget Ri, Dad and I, we still love you ok, but we need you to be strong now ok. I love you."

He crumpled to his knees in front of me, disintegrated, and blew away with the wind.

"What's going on?!" I screamed at my mum.

She looked at me, shook her head, turned around slowly and walked inside.

And I think that was when I woke up.


Just as I was about to ask the nurse for the hundredth time if Gabriella would wake up soon, a loud gasp startled me from my semi-meditative state.

I look over to the bed, and see her blinking slowly, before looking at me. Confusion was evident on her gorgeous face.

I went and sat in the chair beside the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

She looked at me more closely, now, and took a couple of seconds before replying.

"Well, my heads pounding, but other than that, I guess it could be worse. Not to sound rude or anything, but who are you? Like I did wake up alone in here with you after all. I'm Gabriella Flood, by the way."

I'll admit, my heart did drop a little when she asked for my name, but I guess, I don't stand out particularly much.

"My name is Lukan James, pleased to meet you. I uh, pulled you outta there, brought you here, don't worry, I'm not creeping on you or anything. And yeah, I know who you are, doesn't everyone?" I said, smiling at her.

"Well, sorry this is the state you actually meet me in, but could you help me out of here please? I want to be gone before the nurse is back."

I walked over and offered her my hand. Surprisingly, she grasped it firmly and pulled herself up, before slowly heading to the door, my hand still in hers.

We left the sick bay and begun our way to her locker.

Already whispers were starting up, and then I realised something..

Gabriella Flood was walking down the corridor with me, HOLDING MY HAND.

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