Chapter 13: Brendon

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I woke up to the fluorescent white lights on the ceiling, blinding me, causing me to squint until my eye sight normalized. I was in a dry hospital gown surrounded by my parents. I recalled hearing them yell my name as they chased after me in the woods. I heard my mother cry as I swam out into the pond. When I started to sink, I heard a loud splashing sound. I couldn't remember anything after that. All I knew was that I had failed to kill myself.

I looked up at my mother, who had covered her mouth as she broke into tears. Dad hugged her, and whispered that everything was going to be okay. I would have taken his words to ease myself, but deep down I knew that Ryan was either dead or suffering. Nothing is okay.

What disturbed me was that they had followed me. They knew about the pond now. It was no longer just our little hideout. It was now the place I tried to end it all. The pond represented even darker thoughts that would bounce in my brain now.

"I'm okay, mom. I'm sorry. was just the thought of losing my best friend. The thought of him dead. I shouldn't have done what I did. I regret it. You need to go get some rest. Go home, I'll be okay." I said, holding her hand to comfort her. I could feel a burning sensation inside me because I didn't regret my actions. I don't want to see the corpse of my best friend, I would rather be dead. But there's still the chance of him being alive, and I will do anything to find him.

She nodded, and both of my parents got up and walked out the door.

When I woke up in the morning, I was tended on by a nurse who said not to worry, that I wouldn't be here long. She had opened the curtains and had given me breakfast before leaving, giving me a little smile as she walked out the door.

I got up to use the bathroom. While looking at myself in the mirror, I didn't recognize who was staring back at me. My hair was dirty and matted down, and I had bags under my eyes. I looked as if I held the weight of the world on my shoulders for days on end. Shaking my head, I started walking back to my hospital room. The hell I've been through cannot compare to Ryan's hell.

I opened the door to surprisingly find a police officer writing down notes when he turned toward me.

"Are you Brendon Urie?" he asked, staring straight into my eyes. I froze in my tracks.

"I uh...yes I am." I answered nervously.

"Mr. Urie, as you know, we are launching a search for your friend, Ryan Ross. I heard about your suicide attempt at the pond behind your house. I have one question for you, son. Did you and Ryan Ross use to hang out there?" He took his pen and raised it to the notepad, ready to write down any information that was about to flow out of my mouth.

"Yes. It was the last place I saw him." Telling the officer about our pond was the last thing I wanted. That meant that more people would be poking around our pond. I just wanted them to find Ryan though.

He looked up at me with forgiving eyes that only scared me more.

"That pond was a horrible crime scene some years ago. I have to get back to work, thanks kid." He said, almost running out the door.

I grabbed his arm.

"What do you mean? What happened there?" I asked in a worried tone, refusing to let go of him. I had to know, it could help me figure out what happened to Ryan.

"Son, let go of me. I have to go. I don't have time for stories." He said sternly.

This only pissed me off. He was hiding things from me that I had to know about. I wanted to find the bastard who did this to Ryan and destroy everything important to him. Tears filled my eyes as I raised my voice at the officer, using my other hand to firmly grab his shoulder.

"Tell me what happened!" I yelled at him. "Tell me. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me." I kept going as if I was a broken record, my voice cracking.

That's when I felt a falling feeling as a doctor pulled me away from behind and stuck a needle in my neck. I closed my eyes,seeing a blurry picture of a bunch of people staring at me, including the officer.

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