That Ring

497 23 15

This story is a fan fiction. Yeah, you heard that right. So if anything is connected to reality, well I goT NO PRBLM WID DAT COZ I SAID THIS IS JUST FICTION SO BASICALLY, EVERYTHING IS JUST CREATED BY ME AND MY PRECIOUS IDEAS, YES.

I just hope that nobody would copy or do anything that is related to "stealing this story and tell others it's yours", just fuk guys. That's gross. We all have brains and if you can't do anything, do not involve my innocent story by using it, bishes.

Please do ask permission.

Also btw, if you have prblms wid me or ma story, pm, post to my board, or comment in the fukin comment box. I'll do my best to reply ASAP. GET DAT?!


Wendy as Brielle
Suga as Suga
ShinHye as Raine
Jackson as Luke

(I will be posting who is who if I'll add.)

I am warning you. If you hate badwords and green things, the back button is free for everyone. A'right? Now, I believe I have said everything important. Please tell me if you have prblms and I will try my best to reply asap.

Thanks for the cooperation, and hope you enjoy.

(Btw, the title and book cover is just temporary. Kekekeke)

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