4》Make you Proud

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"No no no no!" Screamed the dwarf as me and my friends walked into the slop shop. A small smirk ran across my face as the small owner started to close his shop. "Everytime you punks come in here, I always have stuff stolen." He muttered trying to push us out.

I gasped, "Stealthy! How dare you accuse us customers!" I said looking at my friends with a smirk, "Of ever stealing your shit junk?" The dwarf grunted, "Out" he pointed towards the door.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out a small bag full of silver, "I have money this time" I hummed, jingling the coins of silver. Stealthy grinned reaching out to the money. "Not so fast dwarf" I snorted pulling the money back, "I would like some coffee, black as my soul" I said with a little smile.

Stealthy  rolled his eyes and walked over behind the counter to make my coffee. I turned and looked at me friends, winking at them as they departed in the slop shop.

I walked over to the counter looking at the poster on the board behind Stealthy. 'Princess Missing' it read. I rolled my eyes at the picture of the smiling princess. "That's so pathetic" I muttered, "Why do they even have those here? What did the priss lose her way over here?" I said pulling out my pocket knife from my combat boot. "Ben's order Kid" said Stealithy. 

"That's Auradons King," I snarled throwing my knife, hitting the princess face straight in the middle. "Not ours."

"Yeah but according to Evil Queen, since Malificent is in prison she's the head of the island" snorted the dwarf. I rolled my eyes at his remark grabbing the coffee from the counter. "Old hag doesn't do anything" I muttered, drinking the thick black coffee.

"You gotta pay now kid" Stealthy said with his hand out waiting for the silver. I smirked before turning to look at my friend who held stuff in there hands. "Split" I said as we darted for the door. "You shit kids! You come back here and pay!" Yelled the dwarf as he threw whatever he could get his hands on at us. "Suck it dwarf !" I yelled as we ran towards our abandon building.

I push open the broken down door, opening it enough so that Hayden, Frankie and Quinn could fit in. "What do we have today Quinny?" I asked as threw myself on top of the old ratted out sofa.

"Lets see" said Quinn as he pulled out useless junk. "Thrown out Auradon magazine for Frankie." He said tossing the worn out book to Frankie. "Couple of matches for death boy" Quinn said handing Hayden the matches, receiving a mischief grin from the son of Hades. "I swear to God Hayden, if you burn down another one of our hide outs I Will personally  hunt you down" I said as Hayden began to play with the fire. "And an Apple for the long lost princesses twin" Quinn smirked throwing the fruit at me.

"Shut up Heart" I said, taking a bit out of the Apple. I looked up at the mold on the ceiling, "Why can't those Auradon punks keep there business on there terf?"

"Because" Frankie said as she flipped through the magazine, "It says here that the so called princess is destined to the thrown in about five months"
I rolled my eyes, "That's there problem not ours"

I sat up from the couch and looked at Frankie who stared out the window and looked at the small view of Auradon. "I wonder how those VK's are doing over there?" She sighed in wonder. "Probably, sitting around in there own tiaras" Muttered Hayden as lit the match on fire, he held it close to his fingers letting the flame turn into a blue.

"You're  wasting your magic" I said standing up, "When the barrier broke it only let in a little bit of magic, so don't waste it on your little fire trick"

Hayden smirked, "But I can still do this" he walked back into a dark shadow of the room, "Your so stupid" Called out Frankie as she still looked through her magazine. "You forget I'm the Daughter of the Shadow man" Frankie waved her hand around, making the shadows disappear causing Hayden to fall forward.

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