The Right to Be Human: The Purpose Behind Human Rights

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Written By: RubixCube89201

Rights and responsibilities is the 2014 theme of National History Day Contest, a broad topic.

And I chose to write a just as broad topic of human rights.What are human rights? Is it to prove we're human? Prove that we're humans are right? Or to tell us apart from aliens? Though, now that I think of it, all extraterrestrial beings should have rights as well, but let's just have the Men in Black deal with that- But before getting off of topic, let's focus back on this.

As you read about this, think about these questions (not the alien one, unless you want to). Think about what it takes to not only be human, to act like one too. And after you read this, think to yourself.

Do you have the right to be human?

This essay won first place for the 2014 National History Day essay contest in California.

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