Saved By the Cross Boys

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Lost. Alone. And Scared.

That's how Lily felt. Left with no home, and no relatives, she has lived in the streets.

Soon, she is found by a pair of boys that seem to be her age. They lead her to their home, where she is welcomed as apart of their family. Only their's problem, They have eight boys in the house.

That's not the only problem though.

Lily, who has been through more trauma than any child should, rarely speaks, and is always glued to a book in her new room, she never socializes and is only seen during meals. The Cross boys just want to figure her out, and help her come out of her odd shell.

With drama, tears, and a hard journey, Lily and the Cross boys are in for a roller coaster of emotions.

But maybe, just maybe, something good will rise from the bad.

Written by:RenGoesRawr

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