My Wattpad Boyfriend- The Boy I Created

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Have you ever wished that the wattpad boys that you read were REAL? Emma Wesley is your average 16 year old girl... except she's hot stuff in a popular writing website Wattpad. One of her stories have graced the hot-list and now she's trying to write another instant-hit, and of course it's a Bad Boy story.

Problem comes when she posted the first chapter of her story. Landon Gray, the smirking extraordinaire, brooding genius, six-pack perfection from her story, comes alive.

Landon Gray, a creation of her mind, suddenly became the new student in her school with all of his wattpad bad boy persona. He charms all of Emma's friends and manages to get himself in trouble all the time.

And he's so very determined to make her his.

Can you fall in love with your own character?

By: demonicblackcat

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