A Tired Dwarf Possessed My Aunt

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This is passed onto me by my mother. She never lies, and this story haunts me. Back where we lived, it was a rural are. Greens everywhere, wildlife. I have always had weird feelin or always uneasy feeling inside the house. It was an old rickity house. Made by the local people around the area. I have no idea how old the house is, but its old. Well back when my mom was a kid she and her cousin were best friends. Lived in the same house. My auntie is the most happiest, most energetic, beutiful woman.

She is the type of woman that would befriend anyone. In the middle of the night my mom woked up in the middle of the night to pee. The house is always full of people. But this night she was alone for the first time. There she went up the stairs to the washroom and my auntie was sitting in the toilet. In her hand was a knife and she was carving the sink in a circular motion. My mom said she was very scared and frightened at the moment. My auntie then said "I'm very tired". She sounded of a raspy hoarse man. My mom then ran out the house calling everybody.

She had to go out and run a couple blocks of forest to find the nearest house. The story is not told fully, she said she came back to the house and the men of the house went upstairs and took a hold of her. My mom heard thrashing, shouting, and grunting.

Fast forward. They went to a spiritual person to help because she is apparently possessed by a traveling lone dwarf and took my auntie as a host because she was always happy, making a lot of friend and beautiful. The spiritual man then said to bring everyone in the village and and give a "feast" to him.

The night was prepared, everyone in the village was at the house. It was night time. There was grand food everywhere. I have no idea where my auntie is at the time. But my mom said that they were all grouped together or hugged in front of the house. There a man spoke. And this is where it gets strange. The lights around them started shutting off and on. And same as a house. Then she heard banging clashing growling in the house. The plates was being destroyed basically everything in that house.

After that my auntie is now fine. Again, my mom never lies about this stuff and would like to get an insight on what possessed auntie.

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