A Presence In The Attic

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I would like to share an experience that has been recurring for some time now in our house and always on the same floor, the attic. The attic has a couple of rooms with a laundry area and a big balcony for hanging clothes and such. There are two ways to get to the balcony, one is coming from the laundry area and the second one is from the hallway and also there is a door to the hallway from the laundry area.

This happened last year. I don't remember the exact date but it was on my day off and it was a sunny beautiful morning. We had a live in help during that time that worked with my mom. My mom is always busy so she needed the help. Now the help, we'll just call her "Jen", just finished doing her laundry and it was now my turn. While I was in the middle of doing my laundry it happened. I could feel that someone was at the hallway so I turned around and I saw someone go through the door to the balcony. I only saw the left leg since it was the last thing going through. I though it was Jen checking on the clothes so I called out to her to check if she needed any help, but as I got to the balcony there wasn't anyone there. I could have sworn that it was her since the leg was female and was wearing black leggings with a design on the end of it and gray shoes which were the same clothes Jen was wearing. It creeped me out so I went to check where she was only to find out that she was in the kitchen on the 1st floor the whole time I was doing my laundry. I didn't tell her about it since she's really scared of those things especially the one in her room but that's another story. So I just shrugged it off and continued with my laundry.

I would still see the silhouette of a woman on our attic from time to time but the weird part is it seems to be changing clothes. I can feel that it's the same presence but it was wearing different clothes. Sometimes I would see it with a dress or leggings and always the lower half so it's weird.

The house is not that old and we just finished building it in 2002 so I wonder why is she here and always at the attic?

Thanks for reading! ^_^

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