A Piece Of Hell Escaped

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First of all, I would like to thank this site for publishing my first experience. That's why I'm encouraged in making my next experience.

As soon as I gained knowledge about this paranormal supernatural stuff, seeing that woman became rarely to happen. My grandmother then told me that most of us in the family had seen these beings but just stayed in silence so that we kids (that time) wouldn't be curious then scared. Years later my parents decided to break up because of some issues, so from time to time I would visit my mother who lived with her parents in another place in the city far from my father's house. The place was different, beside our house which was a ground where many children could play and I can say it was the start of my exposure to the "outside world".

There was this "season" for us children that we called "spider fighting" (like roosters fighting, but spiders were used instead). We waited for the afternoon or evening to go to hunt for spiders that were suitable for fighting because as they say, specific spiders come out during late hours. Our neighbours (a bit older than us) told us that there was a type of spider that lived in the cornfields that's superior to any kind and could be located at the base of the hills (near our houses) which have cornfields owned by farmers living there.

I and my friends decided to see each other later one night after the rain pours out, to head to the hills and after finalizing our exciting plan, they warned us not to go beyond the cornfields especially on rainy days. That was quite a hanging statement but we decided not to ask "why?" because all we could think off was spiders.

It was around 8 in the evening and our parents gave us permission to do our "escapade" because we lived in a compound-like place, most houses were close to the other and we all knew our neighbours (it's either our grandfathers, fathers or uncles were colleagues). There were 7 of us and only two brought flashlights so we decided to split up into two groups. We consisted of 4 while the 3 remaining started far from us. Before we started, the farmers told us to stay in the cornfields (as permitted) and never go beyond it because it's rainy days. We asked "why?" and they told us that the light outside their house reached only where the cornfields were. Being growing kids that knew scary stuff, it was easily understood. Minutes passed of walking and searching through the cornfields, we caught the said spider for each of us and then we looked for the other group.

We saw a light (not too bright but able to illuminate a surrounding), probably meters away from us. We headed straight for it thinking it was our friends still searching. The light was not within the cornfields but from a large mango tree which was next to it. When we were almost close to the light, we heard what sounded like a chain being dragged. As we reached the moving light and sound of chains, a fireball size of a basketball floated in mid-air, carrying a chain and dragging the other end. It was circling around the tree like it was looking for something. At first we were stunned then looked at each other with confused faces and ran like hell, it was every man for himself. I ran with just myself, ignoring where my friends were. I couldn't pull myself together with all the tension and fear. I finally stopped at the waiting shed beside our house. The other group were there waiting for us and 2 in my group were there sweating and shivering. We talked about what we had seen. Some of our neighbours who had told us about the cornfields were laughing at us as they told us they had also encountered what we had. They call it "santelmo", also known as "St. Elmo's Fire". It is said that it comes from a blood of a murder victim who hasn't received justice, and as soon as his/her blood (even a stain) is washed away by the rain, that's when and where the "santelmo" appears. We never went back to that place.

My mother said it was a product of my imagination but for me, it can't be. I mean it's impossible that a number of us had the same imagination without even saying what to imagine. But I got over that until one night years later, when I was staying in my father's house.

I was kind of a foolish kid growing up. I'd let everybody in the house sleep at night and tip toed my way down the living room to watch television. I'll describe to you our living room. On the way down the stairs are windows which have flower-like carvings so you can't really see the figure on what's outside. If you turn right just when you reach the ground is the television. To the left is a door leading to the garden. Right side of the television is a couch and at the end of it are transparent windows seeing outside. Few inches away in front of the television are another set of couches. I sat down on the couch next to the television because I just applied the slightest volume that only I could. Hours later as I was watching, there was a bright orange light outside of the windows on the stairs (behind the television is the stairs then the windows with flower-like carvings). So I got up went to the end of the couch and looked out the window. There it was again, the fireball they call "santelmo". This time, there were 2 of them but smaller. They were right outside our gate floating and were like chasing each other. The next thing I did was switch the television off and went to bed as fast as I could. That was the last time I saw that "being".

Only one thing confuses me, are the legends about them true? They say, once they're disturbed, they'd chase you until they burn you to ashes. But I'm not volunteering to know myself if that's true.

Anyway, thank you again for letting me share my experience. I hope you'll read my next experiences about these "beings".

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