Mystery Caller

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It was one afternoon, and I'am preparing to go to school. I was combing my hair when my phone rings.

"Hello." the usual greetings when someone called you through phone. It was my friend, she was waiting for me in front of our school's gate.

I was about to go outside when unregistered number called me, when I answered it I didn't hear anything then I again said 'Hello' and then a soft voice of a lady says 'Hello.' and I got annoyed because it imitates the way I said hello. Then I asked her who she is but I didn't get a reply. I look at the phone thinking it got cut but seconds are still running so I put back the phone in my ear and again said hello to confirm if she's still there. She again imitates me, but this time saying hello several times as if it's trying to make me mad but in some way it kind of freaked me out since her voice was soft and it feels like the voice became louder every time she says hello. The call was cut automatically, I went outside to go to our school since my friend is waiting for me but while walking I tried to call the number several time but the operator says that the number is not in use.

Then my mom called me later that day and informed me that my dad's aunt passed away that afternoon, I told her what happened to me that afternoon and she thought that maybe it's my dad's aunt. We are not that close tho but whenever she's visiting us in our house she will always bring gifts for me and she always says that she's proud of me (not to brag anything but I seems to be the apple of the eye of my father's relative). And It gives me goosebumps and teary eye every time I think of it. Even now, when I'm typing this story. I got goosebumps and I felt the urge to cry.

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