An Encounter With Nature Spirits Or Shadow People

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I am fascinated by the supernatural. To be honest, I am considering that my sixth sense will be more sensitive. Sixth sense, or having a third eye as popularly known in my country, is able to see things beyond what our normal eyes can perceive. I got friends who got one. I know one who got hers just because a kid, who is gifted, prayed while holding her forehead that she will see things from beyond.

I guess I want to end this curiosity or once and for all experience what this gifted people can see or communicate with. Another friend of mine told me of another dimension where beings has only one eye in the middle of their foreheads. These beings also has children and they live in a place like our own.

I am searching within myself though if I am serious about this or the responsibilities that will be laid on me by beings unseen if ever I embraced having this gift. I will rather decide this myself. I do not like to be influenced by someone else. I might also decide to know, while I'm still alive, about witchcraft which is very taboo in my country. Maybe I will meet an actual witch and learn things, that will be very interesting.

What made me so fascinated by things beyond is because no one, not even science can explain certain things. If only I am brave enough to go back to that haunted apartment and I can properly communicate with entities over there, I will. My sixth sense is somewhat sensitive. While I still exist, even if it is frightening, I will note every paranormal stuff that can happen to me and that drive to know more might just get the better of me.

My friend has this encounter with nature spirits or shadow people. I will relate mine later. I think what she experienced is more frightening than mine. She is fond of having a smoke and I always accompany her to a nearby small store near my own apartment.

Once when we are out late at night she claimed beside the parked car in front of the gate of my apartment, she saw a shadow standing there. I guess we stayed awhile and it got deeper into the night. When we decided to return to my apartment there was this body of water beside a small resort. At day you can see it was covered by hyacinths and lilies. She was mumbling about "red eyes" and "they are coming out of the water". I let her walk in front of me, totally curious and concerned about her behavior.

When we are safe inside my apartment she told me if I felt small feet walking with us on our way to my apartment but, of course, I was clueless or I guess I am not that sensitive enough. She claimed there were these small red eyed beings who arose from the pond and hiked with us. She said they might be nature spirits but I have no idea what they are.

My own experience is the same scenario. We both came out so she can buy her cigarette and it was late at night. I remember it was drizzling. There were cement benches in front of the store. I was seated in front of her while about ten feet away from me were two small papaya trees.

While I vented out about how I feel my roommate is dishonest with me, I saw this shadow as it seemed to take a step to the right in between the small trees. Surprised, I went quiet and stared at the blackness. My common sense told me it will be very odd for someone to stand there or hide and it was even drizzling. If it was a person, his form will be seen as he took a step but that shadow seemed to dissipate as he made that move. As I turned my back, distraught, facing away from my seated friend I told her about it.

What she told me only frightened me more. She said as we walked towards the store she already saw that tall shadow just standing between the trees.

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