A Big Bump In The Night

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This happened when I was 16 years old while I was still living in Davao City with my mom. Due to insufficient financial resources, we rented a room in an old boarding house. I wouldn't say that the location was rural because we were living in the city. The boarding house was a walking distance from the first mall in the city and right in front of it was a busy diversion road.

The two-storey boarding house was semi-concrete (cemented first floor and wooden second floor). Our room was in the corner of the second floor where the ceiling made of ply wood usually leaks during rainy season. The house was surrounded by two dark alleys and a neighbor's house at the back.

Anyway, we were about to sleep since I have school the next day. I think it was around 10 PM. I remember I was listening to the sounds of the night (occasional vehicles passing, our neighbor slowly turning in for the night) when suddenly, a loud BANG came from the roof right on top of me. It was so loud that my mom and I sat bolt upright from our shared bed.

It seems like a huge thing or being landed on the rooftop with such force that it shook the old house. We were the only tenants in the boarding house that time. Then the thing started crawling or dragging itself. I could hear it as if it was crawling on all fours slowly, as if trying to be quiet. What scared me the most was that when it moved/crawled, it's as if nails are being slowly dragged on the tin roof.

I looked at my mom and she said it might be a cat. But I know it was not a cat. We've had cats jumping and mating on that rooftop many nights and I tell you, I know that it was not a cat. The thing was HUGE I could hear the tin roof creaking under its weight! Then the thing jumped to our neighbor's roof. The boarding house shuddered again at the sudden change in weight. We heard it jump to another house then silence.

The next morning, my mom heard talks that the thing that landed on our roof was an aswang. It came from a neighboring house, a block away, where a pregnant woman lived.

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