Behind The Church

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I've been studying in this private Catholic school for almost 11 years now. This school is really old in fact. It's been around since the 1700's and in Philippine history, that was the time when the Spaniards were at large in the Philippines. To give you a brief history, the Spaniards based their government on the church and they belittled the Filipinos. So a lot of chaotic, and sometimes bloody, stuff happened to Filipinos on some churches.

Our school has this church built in the 1700's. Our school used to be a convent during the Spanish times and a lot of paranormal activities today are being witnessed today not only by the students, but some staff as well. But most would say that the most haunted part of our school is the girl's restroom behind the church. A lot of people say that a headless priest or a creepy nun roams the area since that area was where the convent used to stand. If you entered the girl's restroom, you'd get an eerie and uneasy feeling so a lot of students don't really use that restroom.

So my experience happened at that restroom 3 years ago. I was about 12 years old back then. Me and my friends were sitting at a bench not too far from that restroom. My best friend, let's call her Jaymie, asked me to accompany her in the restroom because she will just fix her hair. At first, I didn't want to go there because I've already heard a lot of ghost stories that happened there but Jaymie told me, "You believe in that nonsense?" so I decided to agree. Jaymie is the type of person that would have to see or experience something to believe it.

We entered the restroom. As any typical haunted restroom, the lightbulb doesn't really shine bright, there is an abandoned leaky faucet and there is a mirror with a few black stains on it. We stood in front of that mirror while she combed and tied her hair. I could see all 4 cubicle doors were open so obviously, we were the only ones there. I suddenly heard footsteps. The footsteps sounded like it was from the marble tile floors of the restroom. It couldn't have come from outside since the outside had rough sandstone tiles. I looked at Jaymie, she seemed like she didn't hear anything so I just ignored the sound.

After a while, I heard what sounded like a bunch of keys jiggling. Again, I looked at Jaymie, she didn't seem bothered so I assumed it was all in my head.

Suddenly I heard the toilet at the last cubicle flush. My eyes grew wide. I whispered to Jaymie, "Jaymie, I swear I keep hearing things." Jaymie suddenly ran out the restroom leaving me in front of the mirror. I was so paralyzed and scared, I just stood there. From the mirror, I saw the cubicle door behind me move. NOBODY WAS THERE. I was literally the only human being in that restroom. I ran out and followed Jaymie. When I saw her by the bench where our friends were. I told her, "Why did you leave me there?!" She said, "I heard everything. There is a ghost there."

So that's the end of my story. Almost every building in our school has its own ghost story and I've had different experiences as well. But this was the one that really stuck to me. I hope you enjoyed reading my story:)

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