Black Teddy Bear

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It's been a long time since I have not submitted any stories. Been busy with work for a couple of weeks. My story actually happened about 6 months ago. This took place at my fiance's house. To begin with, my fiance and I are not living together, however, we do have a daughter which was just 8 months old at that time. My fiance, Anthony was taking care of our daughter during that time, as I had to go to work.

One night, our daughter woke up and kept crying. Anthony fixed her milk and tried to cradle her back to sleep. Franz (our daughter) was not pacified. She kept crying and crying. Anthony placed her back in her crib, and noticed that Franz was very uneasy and kept staring at the black teddy bear in the room. No matter how he tried to carry Franz in his arms, Franz would always look back at the black teddy bear. As pissed as he was, he threw a pillow hardly on the black teddy bear. Franz from then stopped crying, drank her milk and went back to sleep. Anthony was puzzled and somehow it gave him the creeps. As there were stories from their helpers, claiming that they see a child running around the room, or a woman sitting in the living room.

As what they said, children are very sensitive to the paranormal. Maybe that certain entity was bothering her that night that made her feel restless. I feel so bad for my daughter.

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