District 21

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Ruzek and Atwater were escorting her to the station. As soon as she got in the backseat she buckled in. Adam looked back at her buckled in and seeming intrigued. "Is there something wrong, sir?" She asked him. "No. I've just never met someone like you before. Are all Canadians like this?" He asked her. "Um, no. I mean, we're all our own person. We're all, entitled to our own, actions. So..." She said. "I get ya." Adam said and faced forward as Kevin was driving. "Hey, back there you said we were both handsome." Kevin said. "Yeah!" She answered happily. "But which one of us do you think is more handsome?" Kevin asked. "Oh, I can't do that! You're both equal." She said and smiled. "Wonder what'll happen when she meets Halstead." Kevin told Adam. "Ugh." Adam sounded and rolled his eyes. Kevin chuckled. "Who's Halstead?" She asked. "A member of our team. Another Detective." Kevin said. "You're Detectives..." She said. "Oh yeah! I'm Kevin Atwater. This is Adam Ruzek." Kevin introduced. "It is an awesome pleasure to meet you two men of the law." She said. "Hey..." Adam said and turned back to her again. "You're pretty cheery for someone who committed a crime..." He said. "Or assumed of who did." He added. Her smile began to slowly drop. She looked serious. "Because I'm with you now. I know I'm safe." She answered. Adam gave a nod and faced ahead again. "I think that guy was lying." Adam told Kevin.

They escorted her into District 21. She smiled as she entered and looked amazed at the police in uniforms walking around. Sergeant Platt was looking at Kevin, Adam and Sam. "Who's this?" She asked. "Sergeant, this is Sam. She's uh...from Canada." Kevin answered. "Canada? What the hell brings you all the way from that peaceful place to this hell hole?" She asked Sam. "Um...can I approach you, Sergeant?" Sam asked. "Yeah! Go ahead." Platt replied. Sam looked at Adam and Kevin then approached the front desk and gently placed her hands on the edge of the desk. "I came here to explore. To learn new things in another place. It's been my dream to, travel and learn how people live. From all over. To experience how life is, all around me. I know this city is kind of...not so great. But it's a new land. And I know there is still good people here. Like the woman I was staying with. And, you. Sergeant. And these two Detectives who are with me. Everyone in this building too. You are all, good people and you have my highest level of respect for what you do for this city. For the World." She said. Platt looked touched. "Well, I am amazed. And thank you very much." Trudy replied. "You're welcome. And keep doing what you're doing. Because it is the best and bravest thing anybody could do." Sam said and gave a nod then turned to Kevin and Adam then stopped and looked back to her. "I'm gonna go with them now. It was a pleasure meeting you Sergeant." She added. "Oh, the pleasure was all mine." Platt said. Sam smiled a little then followed Adam up some stairs and Kevin walked up behind her. She saw Adam use a code and a handprint scanner then open a cage door. "What? You gotta do that? Like some cool secret entrance? That is so amazing." She said and checked out the scanner then walked through. "You are just a bundle of joy to have around." Adam said and began to smile. "Am I too much?" She asked as she went walking up more stairs. "Not at all ma'am." Kevin replied. "Ma'am. Nobody's called me that before. Thank you." She said. "No problem." Kevin replied.

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