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Hank answered his phone in his office and spoke for a bit then hung up. He stood up and walked out of his office then stopped just out of the entryway. "It seems the woman you were staying with, was also a secret drug dealer." He said. Sam scoffed. "You think you know somebody." She said. "I'm glad you didn't go down into that basement. Things could've gone a lot worse." He said. She gave a little half smile. "Thank you Sergeant." She said. "So? Case closed? She was a drug dealer, James was in on it and wanted his cut, got too greedy and wanted all of it for himself and shot her, knew I was there and searched for me but I saved my own life cause that's how I roll." She said. Adam chuckled. "And now here I am. In the protection of the Chicago Police, but now...I have no place to stay and I haven't seen all of Chicago yet. I didn't even get to see the fire department or the bean." She said as her head was hung. The crew was looking at her. Adam looked to Hank then stood and walked to him. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He said and walked out of sight. Hank followed him. Sam lifted her head and looked at the crew. "I'm sorry." She apologized. "Hey, no need to apologize. You helped us tremendously and we're happy to have you here in Chicago and trusting us. It means a lot. Thank you." Kevin said then rolled his chair to the desk she was at and put a fist out. "Pound it." He said. She smiled and put a fist to his and then they made it explode and shared a small laugh. He rolled back. "You're alright little miss. You're alright." He said. She rested her hands on her lap.

Hank and Adam walked back into view and Adam left to his desk then took his jacket and got it on. "Wanna see the rest of the station?" He asked her. "You'll give me a tour?!" She asked excitedly. "Yeah! Come on!" He said. She left the chair and followed Adam as he lead her around. She was honored to be in the station and given a tour. She got to know Sergeant Platt's job too. "I like seeing a good strong woman in charge. It makes me feel empowered. And like I can do anything too." She said. "You most definitely can." Platt replied. "It's kind of, disappointing that I have to go home tomorrow. I wish I could stay longer." Sam said. "You're going home tomorrow?! Back to Canada?" Platt asked. "Yep. Back home to where the beaver roams and moose trudge around." She said. She gave a little smile then looked slightly sad. "Hey, chin up sweetheart. It doesn't have to mean a goodbye forever. There is social networks." Platt said. Sam started to smile again. "Hey! That's right!" She said. "Hey! That's a great idea!" Adam said. "I can't thank you all enough. For making my last day here this special." Sam said. "It's not over yet." Hank said as he closed the cage door and walked down the steps. "Remember what I said earlier today?" He asked her. "To come see you, Sergeant." She said. "I'm off the clock. And I'm taking you downtown." He said. "Hank, you don't have to..." She said. "I want to." He told her. He put his hand out towards her. She approached him and took his hand then walked out with him, waving bye to Ruzek and Platt.

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