Hank Voight

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She walked upstairs and saw Sergeant Voight standing by the entrance to his office. Alvin was leaning on the entrance to the coffee room. "Wow." She said and looked all around. "This whole precinct is pretty cool." She said. "Sergeant, this is Sam. She's the Canadian we were looking for." Adam said. "Huh. You don't seem like the killer type." Hank said. "Another Sergeant? Wow! You look like you have lots of stories to tell. And, no I'm no killer. I didn't kill anybody." She said. "Are you willing to tell us the truth?" Alvin asked. "Absolutely. I just...hope I don't go to prison." She said. "We'll have to hear what happened. First." Hank said. Alvin entered the coffee room and pulled out a chair gently. She walked to the room a little nervously and went to the table then sat down. Voight went in and sat down across from her. Alvin leaned against the counter. "So, what happened?" Hank asked her. "I traveled here to visit the city and explore it and experience new things. I guess...I got more than what I was expecting. Because one night, I was upstairs and going to get a sweater from the room I was staying in. Then suddenly I heard Miranda speaking and sounding scared. Then there was a gunshot. I had to think fast of what to do. I opened the window but if I jumped, the fall could break my ankle. So I hid inside the closet. He came upstairs and entered the room. I watched him approach the window and I snuck up behind him then jumped onto his back and dug into his eyes. As he fell, I bit his nose and he tossed the gun then tried to grab me. I quickly got away from him and picked up the gun and aimed it at him. He held his face and was writhing on the floor and I knew I couldn't shoot him or I would be charged with murder. So, I ran downstairs and saw Miranda on the floor. Bleeding out. But she was gone. I saw the back door was open and I went to the backyard with the gun and didn't see anybody else. But then I heard police sirens and I panicked. I didn't wanna get arrested. So I dropped the gun and ran. I just...ran. I left a block away and hid behind a dumpster until you were all gone. Then I went back to the house." She said.

"So you're just a tourist who acted on self-defense." Hank said. "I...guess..." She said. "Alright then. Case closed. He's going to prison for murder and you're off the hook." He said. "But I hurt him. And, there had to have been a reason he shot her. No one just comes into a house and shoots somebody. And she said she'd get him the money. He called out bullshit and said he'll find it himself. Then shot her." She added. "Guess we gotta look deeper into this thing." Alvin said. "She has a basement. A hidden basement. There's a hatch in the kitchen in front of the sink under the rug. She didn't know I seen it." Sam revealed. "You're a lot of help! Mind if we keep you around for a bit?" Hank asked her. "I would be so happy to help with anything and to stay here. Thank you Sergeant." She said. "Call me Hank." He told her. She smiled a bit. "Alvin, you and Burgess go and check out this basement." He said and stood. "Alright." Alvin said and walked out. Sam sat upright and placed her hands on her lap politely and watched Alvin and Burgess leave then looked to Hank. "You don't have to stay in this particular room the entire time. Just stay up here in this general area. Okay?" Hank said. "You got it." She said and stood up. "Once this is done, I'll need you to come see me for a moment. Okay?" He asked. "Absolutely Sergeant!" She said and saluted. He smiled a bit and let out a short chuckle.

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