Intelligence Unit

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Hank walked out and went to the drawing board. Sam slowly approached the entrance to the coffee room and leaned on the archway. "So we have our killer. And we're investigating as to why this happened. Miranda obviously had some business with James and didn't pay up. Which urged James to murder her and search for the cash. To which then, Sam attacked him in self-defense." Hank said while writing on the board. "You attacked the killer? That was stupid and brave. Kind of like what we do. Are you sure you're not a cop?" Ruzek said and gave a little smile. "Oh, I couldn't do your job." She said and swished her hand. "Burgess and Olinsky are off to see about the basement. I'm gonna give Halstead a call." Hank said. "Behave yourselves." He told them and left into his office. "I will not step out of line Sergeant." Sam said. He looked at her. "Hank. Sir. I'm sorry. I just really like saying Sergeant." She said. "Whatever makes you content." He told her. She wandered to by Ruzek's desk and looked up at the boar head on the wall. "What is that?!" She asked. "That's a boar." Kevin responded. "For real?" She asked. "Absolutely." Adam responded. "That is so cool. We don't see those in Canada." She said. "You've got moose." Adam said. "Yes we do." She responded with a smile and looked to a bunch of knives on a wall. "Don't get stuck." She read and was examining the knives. She stepped closer and put her hands respectively behind her back. "Did you wanna hold any of them?" Adam asked her. "Oh! No, sir. I'm just looking. And you've...gotten all of these from houses? People?" She asked. "Yep." Adam replied. "Amazing." She said and looked at them all then walked around slowly and read the signs on the walls.

She noticed a paper that read about being arrested and walked closer to read it. She looked to an empty chair at a desk then to Adam and Kevin. "May I sit here?" She asked. "Yeah! Go ahead little miss." Kevin responded. She smiled and sat down. "Never been called that either." She said. "How many rude people do you know?" He asked her. She laughed then began to read the sign. "Too many, Detective. Too, many." She replied. As she was nearing the bottom of the list, Lindsey and Halstead headed upstairs. "So we got the truth now! Can't believe he tried to blame it on a woman. What a coward." Halstead said. Lindsey headed to her desk and Halstead looked at Sam. Sam read the last paragraph then looked to his shoes then followed his legs, his torso then looked up at his eyes. "You're the Canadian?" He asked. "Sam." She said and stood then put her hand out. "Jay." He said and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Jay." She said and gave a nod. He smiled a bit. "Voight was not kidding." He said. "Have you ever been in a police station before?" Erin asked her. "No ma'am." Sam replied. "Erin. My name is Erin." She said. "We do have police where I live but I was always too nervous to ask for a tour. Since you're all, like...super cool and brave and heroes." She said. "Heroes. I haven't heard us called that." Adam said. "You're alright." Jay said and smiled. He headed to his desk and sat down. "I wonder what um...Burgess and..." She tried to remember. "Olinsky. Alvin." Kevin told her. "Olinsky have found." She said. "Yeah. Me too." Kevin said.

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