Seeing Sights

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Hank drove around Chicago with her, in his Cadillac. "That is so cool that you have a matte black Cadillac." She told him as they were standing by the river. But she was looking back at the unit he drives. "Yeah? You like my truck?" He asked. "It's super cool." She said. "Like you." She added and smiled then looked at him and turned then watched the water. "How come you like cops so much?" He asked her as he leaned on the railing beside her. "Well, I've gotten to know enough that, I know what you men and women go through and on a daily basis. And I couldn't imagine, having to go through and deal with, half the stuff you all...experience. I would be in a mental institution within the hour." She said. "Not a lot of people understand, us. And our job. Or know what we do for others and for these streets. So on behalf of the Chicago Police, I thank you. Sincerely. For being so thoughtful." He said. She turned and held him tight. He wrapped his arms around her. "I'm thankful you came here." He added. "I'm very glad we met." She said. They let go of each other. "I have a couple other places I want to show ya." He said. She smiled and followed along and got in his truck.

He brought her to "The Bean" and she explored it and was super happy and took some pictures with him. Then he drove to Firehouse 51. As they were walking towards the front door, she stopped. He noticed and looked back. "I'm nervous." She said. "It's okay. If you want, I can do most of the talking for a bit." He said. "Okay." She replied and walked in ahead of him. She looked at one of the fire trucks. It said Squad 3 on it and had a three headed dog on the side. "Wow. An actual firetruck." She said. "Yeah. They're quite impressive." Voight said. He went to the main doors and opened one. She looked to him and was heading towards him. "I don't mean to rush you." He said. "It's okay." She replied and walked through the doorway. He lead her to an area with a couch and tables and chairs and a kitchen. "Hey! If it isn't Sergeant Voight." Hermann said. "Squad, Truck crew, this is Sam. She's visiting Chicago from Canada." He said. "Canada?! What on Earth made you flee that peaceful place to come to this hell hole?" Hermann asked. She smiled. "I came here to see you guys." She said. "You heard about us all the way in Canada?" He asked. "No. I'm just trying to make your day." She said. "Well, my day is made little lady. What can we do for ya?" He asked her. "I'd like to know a few stories." She said. "Oohhh! Well, Otis is great for the stories. Lieutenant Severide is good for the tours and Lieutenant Casey is good for advice. Everybody else, available for anything." Hermann said. She looked to Voight. "We've got time." He said and sat down in a chair.

"Which one of you is Otis?" She asked. Brian lifted his hand. "That would be me." He said. She approached him and he turned a chair for her. She sat down and paid attention to him as he told her a few stories of calls they went on and saves they made. She looked amazed and entertained. After an hour passed, she was ready to see the trucks. But she stood and went to Lieutenant Casey. "Can you stand up for me, Lieutenant? Please?" She asked him. "Oh!" He said and put his magazine down then rose to his feet in front of her. Kelly Severide was standing and ready to take her to see the trucks. She wrapped her arms around Matt's shoulders and buried her lips into her arm. He held her. A tear rolled down her cheek and she didn't say a word. Kelly waited patiently and Voight looked touched. She slowly let go of Lieutenant Casey and he let go of her. "What was that for?" He asked her. "For everything you do for people you don't even know." She said and turned then looked at everyone. "All of you, are truly amazing people. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. You, do not suck." She said and wiped her eyes. "Thank you sweetheart. That's much appreciated." Mouch said. "Alright let's go see these trucks now. Lieutenant Severide." She said and started to look happy. "Alright!" Kelly said with a smile. He lead her out and to Squad 3 as Casey, Voight and Otis followed. "This is MY truck. Squad 3. As you can see, our truck has the best crest. It looks mean. And protective." He said. "Yeah. Minus ours." Otis said. "Not this again..." Casey complained. "What's yours?" She asked. "Truck 81. And our crest is a goat." Otis replied. "Well, goat can also be initials. Gee oh ay tee can stand for, Greatest Of All Time." She said and pointed at her head then to Otis. He began to smile. "That's fantastic! Thank you, you foreign beauty!" He said and took her face in his hands and kissed her cheek then let go of her. "You're....very welcome!" She said with a smile. "Do you wanna sit inside?" Kelly asked. "I can do that?!" She asked surprised. "Yeah!" Kelly responded and opened the driver's door. She climbed in and sat in the truck. Her whole experience was a joy to her. And she told Chief Boden of her great admiration for him and the crews. He appreciated her admiration and respect. And told her if she ever returned, she would be welcome in Firehouse 51 any time of any day.

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