For my Ex-Boyfriend/Best Friend

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Your voice would calm the demons in my head
Your kisses would take my breath away
Your hugs keeps me safe from the world
Your laugh would make my stomach twirl

I dedicated my life to you
I thought you really came through
But here were are with distance in the space
How did we come to this fate?

I gave you my heart, my soul, and mind
I put so much effort in you and time
How can you let this happen to us two
Wasn't I good enough for you?

You threw away two years
Just right out of my greatest fears
You promised me that you'll never be gone
But why? why did this had to be done?

You were my lover and best friend
And you promise it'll be that until the end
I told you all my secrets, my stories, and insecurities
Now all you are going to be is my memories

You told me you loved me and never will let me go
You promised that and you were my world
You make me happy with your smiles and jokes
But now i just cant give it a poke

I still feel you all over me
Your touch and kisses on my body
Oh how I was so exposed to you
Not just physically but mentally too

I thought I could calm your mood
I thought when you hear my name you would drool
I thought I can make you forget your problems
But no, you're with them now

I feel horrible, like the sting of a tarantula hawk, it tears me apart
The constant and endless waves of pain that throbs from my heart
I never felt such betrayal and brutality of your words that day
Was there more than what you wanted to say?

You look so happy with your friends since then
You just looked like a free bird released from your cage
Did I keep you prisoner for all these years?

I never said you couldn't hang out with your friend
I never said you couldn't be with them
I only asked for you to be loyal and safe when you're out
Is this what it's really about?

I never said that you have to be with me all day
Or have to always take me on dates
I never said you can't have freedom
This is what you have done!

You looked like I was a chore
Something you didn't want to do before
Well again, I never said you have to do this
You could've just told me instead of being a little bitch

I don't know if what I said is really what you feel
I'm just so confused right now, I just need to heal
The scars are coming back, just to say
I hope you're happy now, have a good day

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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