I'm done with you

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I'm done with you
I'm done with your shit
I'm moving on
And that's it

I'm not staying
No not anymore
I'm not taking anything
I'm going on my own

My heart is strong
My mind is blank
My stomach is full
My skin is alright

I threw away the blade
I burned our pictures
I deleted your texts
I'm not alright yet

I turned the page
And start a new chapter
It's a new story
I have to keep writing

I'm glad I didn't close the book
And put it back in the shelf
I need to keep writing
To keep it going as well

I'll start again
Refreshed and clean
I'll take another step
Just watch me

I'll leave you there
Alone in my mind
I'm not coming back for you
Because it's time

It's time to wake up
To get out of bed
To prepare for my life
I keep going for now

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