Forgiven... Not.

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It was the for the first day of my life

I thought we hated each other until the end of time

I walked to class alone

Until I saw you there not alone

We shared each other's angry stare

I felt my anger rushing in me

seeing you being in the same class as me

I hope you'll die

Weeks had passed

I'm starting to let it go

We started to get along

and being your friend at once

Now it's been months

I started to play around with you, but you barely get mad

I talked to you more often in class, instead in break

since you mostly talked to the boys during break

Many said you're mean

but to me,

I think you just want to be forgiven

for all the bad things you have driven

It seems like I'm the only one

To only forgiven you

While they won't

But at least I did, since I want to be friends too

Well screw this poem

I only forgiven you because I want peace

but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about it

But your lucky that I didn't bring it up

But thanks for being my friend again

so that I could do the same to you

like what you did to me

Have a nice day  >:D

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