The Magical Mirror

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I walked into a small narrow room

That no one else ever walked into

I stood in the middle of this lonely world

Dreaming of happiness as a ephemeral girl

One day, it came true

In the old mirror

There stood young boy

I was shocked to not even know this boy

We talked all day

He has the same laughter as me

We even have the same smile

Too bad it only lasted a while

Our fate began to hit a turning point

My daily life was changing all around

I began to consider him as my very first friend?

Would it be alright to him?

As moments began to pile up

Confusion is all around

Am I hallucinating?

or am I not fooling around?

He told me the magic was cast

So he only has a short period of time

I can't believe I'm hearing this

Will this soon be goodbye?

By holding your hand

Your voice that is reaching me

It felt like forever

Could you stay with me please?

Your caring love is warm

My tears began to drip from my face

Knowing that I can't be with you long

I can't believe this fate

Is it alright

To hold onto you like this forever

With nothing to even ruin this

Not even passing time would matter?

In this lonely world

I was waiting alone for such a long time

For you

To reach out your gentle hands from the other side of mirror

You granted all of my wishes

You cured my illness

And I was able to walk once more

Your always there for me, I knew you were the one

The long war finally ended

The empty room we stayed in

Is filled with laughter and glee

We went passed this together

I'm glad your with me

I saw it in my dream

Long ago from some old memory

I was a princess in a beautiful castle

He was the prince

Time wouldn't let us be together

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