Lesson learned

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I wish you'd come back

So that we can re-due the past

I miss how you talked to me

I miss the way you cared for me

I always helped you

I always respected you

and this is all I get?

A ignorant idiot for a friend?

I've done favors for you

I even kept your promises

And this is all I get for it

You used me for your idiotic schemes  

Your nice to me only to get to that person

I really thought I was special

but I wasn't

You son of a bitch

You ditched me for it

I was stupid to even think about it

I was by your side

Until we met a goodbye

I never forgotten it

But I would apply it

You know,

Even though how worst things get

I thanked you for it

You taught me a lesson

Which only now i know

Because I realized

Your a bitch all this time


I still loved you,

I don't know why,

But I did

I forgave you because I wanted to go back to you

So that its my turn to turn my back on you

And that's what I'm gonna do

So get ready for what's gonna come,

Because it had begun

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