Heart, stop it already!

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What is this
What is this feeling
Oh no not again
Heart please stop it

I don't want this again
No not now
It's very tiring
I don't want another one now

You're just gonna break
Shatter even more
It's already impossible to fix you
Don't make this difficult

Have mercy on me
I don't want it again
You're just full of greed
Trying to get what you desired

(The heart:)
But what if he did like you
What if he's shy to ask
Why don't you tell him
And lets just try

You two are talking a lot
Even more than I thought
You two have the same taste in music
And you share what you have in common

Come on!
Just give it a try
It won't hurt
He's just online

You think it's fun
To be rejected
To be stunned
By the sudden injection

The needle for pain
Pierce through my skin
And spread through out my body
and that's when it begins

(The Heart:)
He's not saying it in your face
Just on the screen
He doesn't video chat with you
So why are you afraid?

You should know that
That he won't like me back
That he won't love me
Unlike how I did that

You won't know
Maybe I'm not his type
Maybe I'm not what he wants
Maybe I'm just playing around

(The Heart:)
How would you know that
When you never asked
How would it be possible?
If you're chickening out

I'm scared
That I would get hurt
I never had a boyfriend heart
I don't know how it feels

You remember Mary and Tom
Their's didn't last less than two weeks
What if that happens
To me

(The Heart:)
That's because it was a dare
Just tell him before it's too late
Just put it in a poem
Like how you're making this

It's not that hard
To tell someone I love you
What should be bad about it
You're just telling him how you feel

You really love to break
Don't you Heart?
You like it when you're missing pieces
And falling apart

You're just gonna break
Shatter even more
It's already impossible to fix you
Don't make this difficult

You're just gonna get worst
You might look like a pile of broken glass
that's in microscopic pieces
And that's hard to fix

(The Heart:)
Just don't mind me
Just make your move
Do what I tell you to do

Stop confusing me
Brain is better than that
I'm not going through this again
Just leave it to that

I don't want to do it
I don't want to make the first move
It's better to let him do it
Since it's easier than listening to you

(The Heart:)

Like I thought so
So shut up and let me choose
You're not taking over
Unlike what happened when I gave the oppotunity to you

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