It's all a dream

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I dreamed a dream
Of you being with me
We're happy and free
But where are we?

I tried to reach out
But you went father away
I tried to reach out
but you just slipped away

I woke with a startle
Thinking you'll be there
It was all a dream
its nots getting anywhere

I have to stop loving you
knowing you wont be mine
Why did I crawl back to you
all this time?

I want to hug you
I want a kiss
I want to cuddle with you
But what have I missed?

You kissed my forehead before I go
I kissed your cheek when I see you
You held my hand for the world to see
But it was all a dream

You were never mine
and i never was yours
Time had flown by
but life is what I wasn't looking forward to

You loved someone who wasn't me
I was sad after that
but using it to hurt me
It not that bad

Yes it it
It hurts so much
My heart is broken
Will it be fixed after all?

Don't worry
maybe this is all a dream
I'll just slit my throat
and just go to sleep

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